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A knocking on my door signaled the return of Vernon, and I groaned before getting up from my couch. Not because I didn't want him here, but because of the effort it takes to get up.

I opened the door with a smile, but Vernon didn't seem to happy. It was like something was bothering him.

I let him into my apartment and we both made our way over to the couch. A gap was between us that might not have been there yesterday, but there was definitely something between us other than space.

"What's wrong?" Vernon jumped a bit, like he was in deep thoughts before I interrupted him. He sighed and seemingly rearranged the words in his head so he could get them out. Eventually he just pulled out his phone and brought up an article for me to read.

I was confused at first, until I finally understood what the article was trying to say. I was afraid this was going to happen.

"So what now?" Vernon sighed and took his phone back to pocket it.

"Manager-nim suggests we cut all contact and hope this goes away. But I can't do that. I can't leave you, and I won't let them make you leave me. My contract says they can dictate my relationships, but they can't dictate my friendships." Fire burned in his eyes, and his voice was strong.

"I just won't go to kcon tomorrow, and then they definitely won't have anything." I suggested, but Vernon quickly shook his head with a pout.

"It's our last day together, Doe." He whined. "Just come with us."

I really didn't want to waste any time I could have with him in person, but I didn't know if I was willing to get him in trouble. Because getting him in trouble with Joshua is way different than trouble with the media.

"I can see you're thinking. Stop thinking and just go with it." He teased with a smile, but his words didn't actually stop me from thinking. From reading past articles in the kpop industry, I knew how far the media and the public call stretch anything just to cause drama.

"This could end up serious, you know that." He sighed and laid down on the couch so his head was on my lap, and he looked up at me like a child asking for ice cream.

"As long as we're careful, it'll be fine. And it's just one day, sis. Don't you want to spend time with me?" Vernon stuck out his bottom lip and spoke in a whiny voice to try and convince me. But it just made me more skeptical.

"Can we talk about this like the adults we are?" He shook his head with a smile, and I sighed. Vernon reached up to touch the end of my braid, and he played with the ends with deep concentration.

"How are we going to be careful with the media literally all over kcon?" Vernon smiled and retreated his hand from my hair now that I was willing to truly think about going. He sat up and crossed his legs on the couch so he was facing me.

"You entering the building isn't a problem since you're coming in two hours after everyone and no one is there anymore, and once you're in the building you're fine. It's just leaving that is the problem." I nodded and we both fell silent while thinking.

"Pledis claimed I'm part of the staff, so why don't I just stay in the back with the staff? You leave in the morning, so it's not like you can spend the night with me again. I can just walk back to my apartment on my own later during the night after chilling with you guys." I suggested, and Vernon thought it through.

"But that means you're walking in the dark to your apartment alone. I don't like that idea." His face went serious, and he glanced out the window.

"I'm sure I'll be fine. It's not like we've seen anyone on the streets when we went out at night the other day." I watched him think about it before he got up to get a cup of water from the kitchen. He came back with the cup and took a sip.

"I just don't want you getting hurt. Can't I worry about my sister?" I shook my head, and he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Since you're my brother, I forbid you from worrying about me. Absolutely forbidden." He dipped his fingers into his water and flicked the droplets at me. I scrunched my nose at the water, and he smiled.

"I'm older, it's my job to worry." I started laughing, and he tilted his head in confusion. "What's so funny?"

"It is completely debatable whether or not you're older." 

"But I'm physically older." I shook my head and pointed to my temple.

"Not mentally." Vernon gasped and set his cup of water down on the floor so he could grab a pillow from the couch. I quickly jumped up and tried to hop away as fast as I could to escape him. I eventually lost my balance and ended up falling onto the ground with a crash. I started laughing, and Vernon stood over me with concern on his face.

"Are you okay?" I stopped laughing and swung my leg out to trip Vernon. He fell to the ground next to me and groaned.

"Now I am."

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