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Is Rachel going to tell him? Do I want her to tell him? Of course I want her to tell him. Right?

I sighed and tried to stop the train wreck of my thoughts by placing my face into my hands. Rachel had left around five minutes ago to head down to the front desk. It was also the time in which I was told Vernon would come, so I put two and two together and figured she was showing him the way while, probably, giving him a run down on my situation. Hopefully.

"Hey Doe, you have a visitor~" Rachel cracked open my door and peeked her head through. I paused the video that I had been completely ignoring and turned the TV off.

I was fully prepared for a heart attack the second she opened the door fully, but apparently I wasn't prepared enough. Vernon came in wearing ripped denim jeans and an oversized white hoodie. His light brown hair was kind of messy and swept to the left. I'm just glad that I'm not hooked up to a heart monitor because I'm pretty sure I was flat lining.

"Hello! My name is Vernon!" He held out his left hand for a handshake and I brought mine up out of instinct, but stopped halfway through and I ended up staring awkwardly at my bandage.

Once he saw why I had stopped, he quickly retreated his hand and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"My name is... Doe. You can sit if you want. I don't bite." I smiled and motioned to the chair Rachel normally sits in, but she had left the room.

Hansol sat down in the chair to my left and I could see his lips moving since he was asking me a question, but I could barely understand what he was saying.

Once he paused and waited for an answer, I smiled awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear what you were saying." I vaguely motioned to my non existent left ear. He face palmed and quickly moved to my right side.

"I am so sorry. Should I repeat all of that?" I smiled and nodded, but I could tell he was extremely nervous. Plus, I knew my condition made it all the more awkward for him since he was trying not to do or say anything wrong.

"Yeah I didn't catch any of what you said."

"So, you apparently know me, but I don't know you. Do you mind if I ask how old you are?" He tilted his head a bit with the question and it was hard for me not to smile.

"I'm..." I looked up at the ceiling and thought for a moment. "What day and year is it?" I smiled awkwardly at him and he laughed a bit before realizing that I truly had no idea what day of the year it was. Rachel never bothered with telling me and I never bothered to ask. He quickly brought out his phone and turned it on so he could see the date.

"It's October 5th, 2018." I held up my right hand and started to count on my fingers, when I realized I didn't know what I was counting. I tried desperately to remember what grade I was in so I would have some sort of reference, but nothing came to me.

"So, I cannot remember anything after my accident, so... Yeah I have no idea how old I am." I smiled nervously and scratched the back of my neck unconsciously.

Vernon's face was one that was way too easy to read. A mix of pity and worry swirled around and settled into a confused frown.

"Um, okay. How long have you been a carat then?"

"Honestly, I found kpop while I was in the hospital, so it's been maybe a few weeks?" Vernon laughed a bit with me before it turned silent again. We were both very awkward at the moment. Me since one of my favorite idols was sitting right next to me, and Vernon, well, because who wouldn't be awkward around me?

"Are you going to see your parents after this?" A smile lit up his face.

"Yeah, I haven't seen them since... It's been a while. Are your parents at work right now?" My heart dropped and I once again tried to force myself to remember.

"I don't remember them." I said it quite void of emotion, mainly because I still wasn't sure how I felt about it.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" I held up my hand and stopped him.

"It's fine." We both sat there in uncomfortable silence until Vernon spoke up.

"Would you like to meet one of my hyungs?" My eyes widened and I started to panic.

"I wouldn't want to interrupt their family time. I know how precious that is to you guys. Plus, I'm not sure who would want to see me." I tried to shrug it off and not make a big deal of myself and whatever, but Vernon seemed to think otherwise.

"What do you mean? Who wouldn't want to see you? When I was told I got to see one of our carats, the other boys were livid that they didn't get the chance." He quickly pulled out his phone to check the time, smiling as he did. "Plus, Seungkwan hyung hasn't left for Jeju yet since he had a show recording this morning. Would you like to meet him?" I sighed and started fidgeting with the bandage around my hand. It's not that I didn't want to meet another idol, I just didn't want the extra pity or stares. I was already extremely self conscious with Vernon sitting next to me.

"He won't say anything if that's what you're worried about. And, if for some reason he does, I will personally slap him for you." The sincerity was in his voice, but a goofy smile was clear on his face at the thought of hitting Seungkwan.

"I don't want to bother-"

"Nonsense. Seungkwan hyung will love you." Before I could protest any more, Vernon was already pulling up his contact and pressing the video call button.

On the second ring, he picked up and his beautiful face flooded the screen. The two band mates talked in Korean for a minute while I just watched off from the side. Vernon was soon putting me in view of the camera and Seungkwan waved at me with a bright smile.

"I told you he would want to see you." He smirked and translated something Seungkwan had said.

"He wants to know who your bias is. Oh yeah! Who is your bias?" My eyes widened and I started to panic. Do I tell them? Oh my gosh the pressure.

"You guys can't get upset." Vernon nodded and translated for Seungkwan, who made a gesture that looked like he was promising.

"The8 is my bias." I covered my face with my right hand as soon as I said it and I could hear Seungkwan cooing over me.

"I'm a little upset your bias isn't me, but Seungkwan hyung thinks you're adorable." Vernon brought my hand down from my face and made me look up. Seungkwan had left the phone on a table and was now just walking around and screaming.

"What's he doing?" Vernon sighed and shook his head.

"I have no idea."

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