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"Doe! Wake up! You can sleep later! Just let me tell you about my amazing accomplishment!" I groaned and opened my eyes to the bright florescent lights when Rachel came running in and started shaking me.

"Rachel, I get it. You save people's lives."

She pouted at my grouchiness and plopped into her chair. "I guess I could always just call Pledis back up and say that you don't want them to come anymore." She sighed and rested her chin in her hand while my face lit up.

"You actually got a hold of them?!" She lifted her head up and nodded.

"Not only that, but they can actually come! I told you I could do it." She smirked and playfully pushed my shoulder.

"All of Seventeen can come?! You must be joking!" She shook her head, still smiling, while I started to wave my hands around in the air and bounce lightly in the bed. I've got to be dreaming. I stopped moving when I bumped the bandage on my left hand and hissed. Definitely not dreaming.

"Are you okay?" I nodded and she leaned back in her seat. Apparently in my excitement Rachel had leaned towards me incase I ended up hurting myself. It's not like it would have been the first time.

"So, not to ruin your little moment, but only one of the members can come and you have to wait until the fifth of October. Someone named... Vermin? No that's not right." She rested her chin in her hand and sighed while my eyes lit up once again.

"Vernon? As in Chwe Hansol?" Rachel picked up her head and nodded.

"I was close." I sighed at her, but quickly brushed it off at the fact that I would be able to meet one of the guys that I watch all the time.

My smile soon dropped once I saw the blank space where my left leg used to be. "Does he know what happened?"

Rachel shook her head with a look of sympathy. "All I told the company was that we had a girl recovering from a critical condition and that none of their idol's health would be affected by you."

Great, I get to see the look of surprise on his beautiful face when he finally sees what his company signed him up for. Even though Rachel had never brought me a mirror in the month I had been here, I was still able to piece together what I probably looked like. I knew a giant scar covered where my left ear used to be and another cut across my right cheek from the passenger window shattering. My partial left hand was still bandaged up, but a menagerie of cuts and scars decorated the rest of both of my arms. Most of the burns on my sides had healed and scarred, except for a couple of the more severe ones. Likewise to my hand, my remaining left leg was bandaged. But that was only the stuff I knew about.

I just hope he doesn't show too much of his shock.

Vernon's POV

"Hey, Vernon, our manager would like to speak to you." I looked up from my phone at S.Coups hyung peeking his head through my door. I stood up and took his phone from his outstretched hand and pressed it to my ear.


"Good afternoon Vernon-ah. Do you think you would mind if we sent you on a little detour before you visit your family?"

I thought for a second about the trip home I would be taking in less than two months. With all of our album promotions, it has been difficult to find time to visit my family back in New York.

"Sure. What's the detour?"

"There's a patient in an intense care unit at a hospital not far from your parents house, and the hospital is reaching out to celebrities to make the patients not so... Depressed. They wanted the whole group to come, but that isn't possible at the moment. You're the only one who can go, so will you?"

I thought about it for a moment. It means less time with my family, but someone could really use some cheering up.

"I'll do it."

"I was hoping you would. I'll go let the hospital know that you can come. You'll only be there for two hours and the patient, as I'm told, is not contagious, so expect anything."

The line went silent for a quick second while I thought about everything. Expect anything. What's that supposed to mean?

"Well, have a nice night Vernon-ah."

"You too sir."

I hung up and walked out of my room with S.Coups hyung's phone in my hand. I dragged my feet into the living room and noticed most of the members were on the couch.

"Is everything okay?"

I nodded and handed him back his phone. "Yeah, there's just a fan in an intense care unit that he wants me to see before I visit my family."

S.Coups hyung's eyes widened at my words and Wonwoo hyung looked up from his book at me.

"Intense care unit?"

I nodded and more of the members sitting around turned their attention to me.

"Do you know what the fan is there for?"

I shook my head at Hoshi hyung's question. "Manager-nim only knew that the fan wasn't contagious and that I should expect anything."

Seungkwan pulled me down onto the couch next to him. "You really should expect anything. But hey," He punched my shoulder playfully and smiled. "At least you get to meet a fan."

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