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"So where are we going?" I asked once again, this time outside. But no one really answered me.

"I don't think any of us know or care." Vernon replied, and I shrugged. Not having a plan was something I could work with.

Dino, Vernon, Woozi and I were just walking around some of the quieter streets of New York City. A staff member was trailing a bit behind us for when they do film their segment though.

Jun and The8 were sent off to China town at Vernon's request, and Wonwoo and Mingyu were heading to Rockefeller Center for the Nintendo store. The gag trio had left before they could tell anyone where they were going, and Coups, Jeonghan and Joshua had decided to go to times square.

The entire group was split up around the city. Which seemed like it was freaking the managers out just a bit because they didn't know where to go or what to do. I think S.Coups told them to take the night off.

"Look at this, hyung!" Dino exclaimed to Woozi in Korean while showing him his phone. The two went into a rapid and excited conversation, and I just looked at Vernon.

"Dino found a music store that we want to go to. If you want to come, of course." I started nodding my head aggressively.

"It's a music store! We have to go." I responded, and Vernon turned his attention to the other two and started speaking. I have never wanted to learn Korean more in my life.

Dino started directing us towards the music store he had found, and the camera man started to say some things to them. Vernon nodded and looked over at me to translate.

"He wants to use this bit for our segment. It won't take long, I promise." Vernon said while putting his hand on my shoulder, and I nodded. He smiled apologetically and pulled my hat down over my eyes to mess with me.

I hung back behind the staff member and I watched them touch each others hair up and get ready. It was obvious how many times they had done this since it looked like second nature.

The three of them were counted down for when the camera would start recording, and Dino was handed a personal camera. I watched the three of them keep the conversation rolling and reactions to everything so that the video would be entertaining.

They seemed to be doing everything so naturally, and it was quite interesting to see from behind the camera. The staff member eventually stopped the footage and took the personal camera back so all four of us could naturally enjoy the night.

"Sorry about that, sis." Vernon apologized as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Dino and Woozi gave me their own sympathetic smiles, and I just shrugged.

"It was entering to watch from behind." I replied and Woozi spoke up.

"Do you want to see?" He asked while pointing behind him at the store, and I quickly shook my head.

"I'm fine. I've already seen the entire store really." I replied, and Vernon still looked somewhat upset that I was left out. It was really fine though. I never expected to be included in everything. That part was clear to me in the beginning.

"Can we eat?" Dino asked in English, and I smiled. It seems like the only thought on their mind is food. Which is understandable since they probably need all the food they can get. Stupid schedules and diets.

"Sure. Why not?" Vernon responded, and we continued walking around in search of a restaurant. The three of them started discussing what kind of food they wanted while I kept an eye out for restaurants.

"Do you care what we eat?" Vernon asked me, and I quickly shook my head. This then caused them to go back into their discussion, and I couldn't help but wonder how long it normally took all of them to decide on food.

"Okay, Woozi hyung wants to make sure he gets rice, and Dino wants to try some American food. I'm also down for some American food, but Woozi hyung really wants his rice. Any suggestions?" Vernon asked, and I thought for a second.

"We could always stop by an Asian restaurant and grab some rice for Woozi and then go somewhere else." I replied, and Vernon translated for everyone else.

"Sounds good." He gave me a thumbs up and all four of us continued on our search for food.

"Where are we?" Dino asked me in English, and I looked around at all of the different signs that had suddenly turned into another language on me.

"I think we reached China town." I noted, and they perked up while keeping their eyes open more widely. Probably looking for Jun and The8. But there are way too many people in the streets to even see any faces.

"Doe, let me carry you. You know it'll be way to hard for you to navigate and keep up with this crowd." Vernon said, and I sighed. He smiled and I jumped onto his back while Woozi took my crutches.

"What if someone recognizes you?" Vernon hesitated in his walk for a second, but kept walking through the crowd.

"It's too hard to make out any faces. I'm sure we'll be fine." The four of us made our way through the crowd, with the staff member trailing a bit behind us. Dino was leading the way in our search for Woozi's rice.

Once we had found what we were looking for, we continued to navigate our way through the streets, trying to get out of the China town area. I spotted a sign from my higher perspective, and pointed it out to Vernon.

He nodded and said something to Dino, and the maknae changed the course towards the little Italy sign. The change in districts made it so there were less people, and I was finally able to walk on my own.

Woozi then pointed out a sub shop on the corner of the street, and the three of them launched into another conversation of what they wanted to eat. Something I thought they had already figured out. Apparently not.

The three of them finally made up their minds, and we ended up on a corner shop that sold an assortment of things. We split up and gathered what we wanted before going to the counter to pay.

"I got you, Doe." Vernon said, and I sighed.

"I really owe you." He smiled sweetly and shook his head.

"No you don't. You're my sis."

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