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I woke up to a gnawing pain in my stomach, and my phone ringing. Definitely not my favorite combination.

"Hello?" I groggily answered once I had fumbled around for my phone and found it. I sat up and rubbed my eyes so I would wake up faster, and noticed it was seven in the morning.

"We are pleased to inform you that you got the job, Miss Doe. Your shift starts Monday at nine to five each day except for the weekends." I looked confusedly at the caller ID and noticed it was the corner shop on the end of my street.

"Thank you so much. Is there anything specific I'm supposed to wear?" I glanced towards my closest and hoped desperately that I wouldn't need to buy anything.

"You just have to show up in pants and a decent shirt since you will be putting on the store apron as soon as you get there. We also have a chair for you behind the counter." A sigh of relief escaped my lips now that I knew I wouldn't have to awkwardly fumble with my crutches.

"Thank you again. Have a nice day."

"You too, Miss Doe." I hung up and checked the date on my phone. It was currently Thursday, which means that I really have to go a long time without a paycheck. That's when I realized I had no idea what I was doing when kcon was coming around.

I threw my blankets off and swiveled around on my bed so my leg was hanging off the edge, and I pulled up my messages with Vernon.

Me: When is kcon?

I hit the power button on my phone and got up off of my bed, not even bothering to grab my crutches. I then hopped into the kitchen and opened up the cupboards to find something suitable for breakfast.

Just as I had sat down and started to devour my cereal I had found in the cupboards, my phone went off and I reached across the table to retrieve it.

Vernonie 😉: We fly in tomorrow morning for rehearsal, but it starts Saturday and ends Sunday.

Me: Okay. Just let me know when you're dropping in.

I turned my phone off once again and continued to eat my breakfast. I was about to start thinking up things to do today, when I remembered that I still had physical therapy sessions to go to.

I groaned and hopped my way to the bathroom so I could get ready for the day before cleaning up after breakfast and making my bed. All of which probably took longer than it should have, but time was something I could spare.

I eventually made my way out into the streets, this time with my crutches, and went the couple of steps to get to the physical therapy place. At least I'm not walking for ten minutes and risking getting hit by a car.

"Welcome, Doe!" The receptionist greeted cheerfully, and I gave her a returning smile before making my way down the hallway and towards the elevator so I could go to my usual room. As soon as I got into the elevator and pressed the button for the fourth floor, I realized that my work schedule provided an immense conflict. Something I would definitely have to talk to the physical therapist about.

"Good morning, Doe! How are you feeling this morning?" He greeted me with a smile and dramatically opened his arms as if to say that the world is beautiful and everyone should be happy. That's the thing about the people in this place, they're all really optimistic and cheerful. A bit too much some days.

"I'm fine. How are you?" I wanted to say that I was hungry and didn't really want to be here, but saying I was fine seemed like the better option.

"I'm fine as well. Is there anything you would like to discuss before we get into today's session?" I nodded once I remembered my new job, and he seemed surprised since I never asked anything.

"I recently got a job, but my schedule completely covers my physical therapy time slot. Are we going to stop or should I come in on the weekends when I have nothing?" He walked over to the giant calendar schedule on his desk and thought for a minute or two.

"We can end your week day sessions so you can work, but I'll have you come in on the same time on the weekends. It's probably a good idea to come in over this weekend just so you can get a bit more work in before your job." I nodded, but the thought of Vernon coming over entered my mind. I guess I just have to do what I have to do. They'll probably be at kcon anyways.

"Do you want me to come in tomorrow then?" That was the one thing he didn't go over, and I didn't want to get in trouble for skipping a day.

"I don't think you need too. You've come a long way." And with that, we walked over to the physical training equipment and fell into a rhythm instead of talking. Something I was grateful for.

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