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"Are you sure you're okay walking back on your own?" Vernon asked me, and I nodded.

"It's not that shady here." I smiled and he pulled me into a second hug in a one minute time frame. Not that I'm complaining.

"You'll be careful right Doe? Now that I won't be here to watch you." I laughed and he released me from the hug.

"Oh please. If anyone needs watching, it's you bro." Vernon feigned offense and put a hand over his heart.

"Don't worry, Doe, I'll keep him in line for you." Joshua said while putting him in a headlock, and I started laughing.

"Thanks, Josh." Vernon wiggled out from his grip and moved closer to me.


"Do we really have to leave in the morning? Can't we stay in New York for a little longer?" Vernon asked Joshua, and the older shook his head.

"Sorry, we have quite a few schedules in Korea as soon as we get there, and then it's preparation for the next comeback. And isn't ISAC coming up soon?" Vernon groaned at everything Joshua had said, and latched onto me.

"Just come with us, sis." I smiled and put a hand on his head to mess up his hair.

"Sorry, bro, I have work and physical therapy. Plus, Korea isn't for me. I kinda want to stay here." Vernon sighed and adjusted himself so he was bear hugging me.

“Plus, this is what you love, right? Don't let me stop you. But if I hear your starving yourself or not sleeping, I will fly over. And I don't want to have to do that.” I said with the most serious tone I could muster, and Vernon sighed.

“Okay sis. But I'm the one who's supposed to be making sure you're okay.” Vernon countered, and I shook my head.

“Nope. Just because you're older doesn't mean you have to take care of me.” Vernon titled his head in confusion.

“Isn't that exactly what it means?” I shook my head playfully, and he finally let go of me. I checked the time on the clock and pouted.

“I really should go. I have work in the morning and it's already really late.” I said, and Vernon hugged me again.

“Take care sis. I'll text you in the morning before we go.” I hugged him back this time.

“Okay. Take care too, bro.” Vernon released me and Joshua gave me a hug too.

“Thanks for making him happy.” Joshua whispered in my ear, and I smiled. Seungkwan then came out of no where and pushed Joshua away from me.

“Bye Doe!” Seungkwan just about yelled before hugging me tightly. I hugged him back, and the other boys waved goodbyes at me.

“Bye everyone! Have a safe flight!” They nodded and I smiled before stepping out of their hotel room. I made my way out of the building with a smile on my face. Gosh, I'm going to miss them.

I stepped out of my apartment and made my way to my workplace.

“Oh shoot. I forgot my phone.” I exclaimed to myself, but then I shrugged it off. It wasn't necessary anyways and I could run over and get it on a break. Vernon would already be on his plane back to Korea, and Felix had texted me last night saying he was also leaving in the morning. Now I was truly alone.

“Aren't you Vernon's girlfriend?” Some girl asked from behind me, and I decided to ignore them. Apparently my hopes of everyone forgetting haven't come true yet.

“Not talking, eh? Guess we will have to do this the hard way.” I was about to finally turn around to see who was talking to me, but a hard object crashed against my skull before I blacked out and fell to the pavement.

I woke up in an abandoned warehouse, which New York City had a ton of, and a figure with a black mask was standing in front of me. Probably the one who had knocked me out.

I tried to speak, but I was gagged and tied to a chair. Any movement I made was useless.

“Oh so you're finally awake.” The person ripped the gag off of me, and I winced at the pain. Something I thought I would be used to by now.

“I'm not his girlfriend.” The person started the laugh manically, and I tried to hide the fear growing inside of me.

“Nobody bought that statement from Pledis. Besides, I know my chances with Seventeen are nil, and I don't want a ransom for you. Not that you're worth much anyways.” They kicked my leg, and I doubled over at the pain, only to have the ropes dig into my wrists.

“Then why am I here?” I asked harshly, and they laughed again as if this were all a game.

“If I can't have him, no one can. Not even you.” They kicked me once more, this time in the stomach, and then walked out of the building after covering my mouth once more with the gag.

This is where I die.

No one will ever know.

The landlord will only notice when the rent doesn't come in.

My boss with have noticed by now, but they'll have no way of knowing where I am.

Vernon and Felix are halfway across the world, and no one can track me because I left my phone at the apartment.

I'm not even in the government system because I used to exist, but no one knows who I was.

I'm going to die alone, and no one will know.

Fate just seems to hate me.

But fate also gave me Vernon, Felix, and the rest of Seventeen.

I'm not sure how I feel about fate anymore.

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