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"Bye Seungkwan!"

"Bye Doe!" We both waved and Vernon and Seungkwan exchanged a bit in Korean before he ended the call.

"I told you he wouldn't say anything." I shrugged and Vernon just smiled.

"He could have said something and I would never know because I can't understand a whole lot of Korean."

Vernon shrugged. "Well, he didn't anyways."

We both fell into some small talk, which eventually lead to me trying to learn something about their next comeback for the rest of his allotted hour. By the time Rachel came in to tell him he could go, we were both much closer and a lot less awkward.

"Well, it was fun hanging out with you Doe. I hope you recover soon."

"Thanks Vernon. Oh, and thanks for coming to visit me. I really enjoyed it." Vernon wrapped his arms around me in a hug and my eyes widened in surprise.

"Anytime." He let go of me and gently ruffled my hair. "Is there any way I could check in on you later?" Vernon turned to Rachel, but she just gestured back to me with a bright smile on her face.

"I have a phone." I haven't been on it in what seems like ages. "Would that work?"

Vernon smiled and pulled out his own, ready to give me his number. I reached my right arm out to my left to try and grab that phone that had just been sitting there, but it was too far.

Vernon saw my struggles and walked around the bed to grab it for me before I could even ask for me.

"Thanks." I turned on my phone, and luckily it didn't have a password because I probably wouldn't remember it. I balanced my phone in my hand and tried to open a new contact, but I just could not seem to do it.

"Here, let me." Before I could protest, Vernon had already taken my phone and was doing it for me. After a minute he handed me back my phone and smiled.

"Bye Doe. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye Vernon. Thank you again." He waved a little before walking out the door with Rachel behind him.

I smiled and slouched down into my bed. Pretty sure all of that was just a dream.

I looked down at the phone in my hand and wondered if I should do anything when the screen lit up. I clicked on the new message and my smile widened.

Vernonie 😉: Seungkwan hyung sent me this from our video chat with him. Apparently he took a screen shot of us.

Attached to the message was a picture of Vernon and I laughing at something Seungkwan had said. Seungkwan's face was in the upper right hand corner and I knew what we had said because I didn't see that exact look on his face the rest entire time we were talking.

Never the less, I saved the picture to my gallery and texted Vernon back.

Me: Tell Seungkwan I said thanks! Enjoy hanging out with your family!

I smiled to myself and decided to see what I had on my phone. Aside from YouTube, I had no means of self entertainment on my mobile device, so I looked through my contacts. Barely anyone was saved in my phone, and none of them had even thought to text me. Well, I guess I don't need them. I deleted all of my contacts, and only kept Vernon's in there.

Once that was done, my finger hovered over my gallery, but I decided against it. I wasn't completely sure what I would find in there, but for now, I could live with not remembering.

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