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"Where's China town?" Vernon asked me on our way back to my apartment. We had already finished eating and had walked the other members back to their hotel. Vernon had still wanted to get food for me, but I insisted it was already late and they needed sleep.

"I think it's just a few streets down from here. Why?" A smile spread across his face, but I missed it because I was busy unlocking my door.

"Jun hyung and The8 hyung don't know it exists, and I want to send them there while we're here. But I didn't know how far away it was." I nodded and we both entered my apartment with a sigh of relief. It was fun to be out, but the thought of fans recognizing him and wondering who I was, was always a plaguing thought.

"I think they would enjoy that." Vernon collapsed onto the couch, and I made my way to my room. I quickly grabbed what I needed and left my crutches to head into the bathroom.

"I'll go quickly take a bath. You can do whatever you need to after that." He raised a hand in recognition to my words before I disappeared into the bathroom.

I was out in less than twenty minutes, and I hopped into the living room while continuing to dry my hair. Vernon was half asleep on the couch, and I almost didn't wake him.

"Towels are under the sink if you need them and my bed is open." I said while poking Vernon on the shoulder, and he sleepily got up to get ready for bed. When I heard the water running in the shower, I started to put away my new clothes into my closet.

From when Joshua had called me, I remembered how fast he can shower, and I left the room. Not before grabbing an extra blanket for the couch.

"Doe? How are you holding up? Like truly." Vernon asked when he walked out of the bathroom while running a hand through his now damp hair. He sat down on the couch, and I joined him.

"I think I'm okay. I'm still learning and figuring the world out, but I don't think it's too bad." He nodded and adjusted himself on the couch a bit.

"Are you holding up with all of these schedules?" I asked because I knew how much he was doing and it concerned me. That's a lot for anyone to take on.

"It's tough, but I love what I do. It's just hard when I'm a few hours from my family and I can't even go see them. Don't get me wrong, I love my members like they are my brothers, but they aren't the same. And you've become family so quickly, you feel a bit more like home." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and I knew exactly how he felt about us being family. It just feels more comfortable with Vernon around, and I love him like a brother.

"I get what you mean. Some things just aren't the same." He nodded and jerked up a bit in realization.

"I'm sorry, Doe. Here I am talking about seeing my family and you don't even remember yours." The comment should have stung, but I knew he didn't mean it in a hurtful way.

"What do you mean? Of course I remember you. I couldn't forget you if my life depended on it, brother." Vernon smiled brightly and relaxed back into the couch.

"Thanks, sis, for everything."

"I'm pretty sure I'm the one who should be thanking you." He just made a shushing noise and closed his eyes.

"Oh no. The couch is mine. Get your butt in the bed." I pushed him off of the couch, and he landed with a thud on the floor.

"Ow." Was all he said, and he stayed there with no intention of actually making it to the bed.

"Come on, Vernon. You have kcon tomorrow and you have to be well rested. Just take the bed. Please?" He sighed and sat up on the floor.

"Fine. But I want the record to show that you are making me." I laughed and helped him up.

"Just go to bed, Vernon." He pulled me into a hug and pushed me down onto the couch.

"Goodnight, sis!" He called while walking into my room, and I smiled.

"Goodnight, bro!" I called back, and he shut my door, but left it a bit open. I actually had to get up though so I could turn off the lights and I ended up standing in front of the window. Even though it was almost midnight, you could barely even tell. The lights from the more populated part of the city lit up the skyline even from here, and a couple people were still on the streets.

I took it all in with a smile right before my phone went off. I quickly hopped over and put it on silent before checking what the notification was from.


"Stop looking through my stuff you creep! And I didn't buy it!" I yelled in response instead of texting. My phone screen lit up from another notification and I sighed.

Vernonie 😉: Traitor

I decided to just ignore him and go to sleep. I watched as the screen lit up from another notification, and I just glanced at it.

Vernonie 😉: I know you read that

"Go to sleep, Vernon!"

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