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"Doe, am I allowed to crash at your apartment?" Vernon asked me as we walked out to the group vans after a long day of practices and schedules. I nodded since I didn't see any harm in it, and he said something to S.Coups. Several other of his group members immediately perked up and started adding things into the conversation, but S.Coups turned them down.

"I asked if I could stay with you, and once Coups hyung agreed, others wanted to come too. But S.Coups hyung told them it wasn't a group sleepover and we needed sleep." I laughed at the now translated situation, and Seungkwan made his way over to us to pout.

"Gwenchanna." I was really stretching my knowledge of Korean, but by his reaction I knew I used it in the right context. As soon as we reached their vans outside of the venue, I remembered I still had Woozi's hat and that he probably wanted it back. I took it off and tried to hand it to him, but he just shook his head and said something I didn't understand.

"He wants you to just keep it since he has more and you probably need it more than he does." Joshua quickly translated before climbing into the van and I instinctively hugged Woozi in thanks before realizing what I was doing and let go.

"Kamsamnida." I whispered, and Seungkwan came up from behind and wrapped me into a hug.

"I want a hug too." I smiled and leaned back into the hug since I couldn't turn around.

"Can I come with?" I assumed he meant coming to my apartment, but I didn't have room for two other people. I shook my head, and he quickly let go with feigned hurt. Woozi playfully pushed him into the van and gave me a wave before doing so himself.

"Do you want to just walk back to your apartment?" Vernon asked, and I had to think. I didn't want to repeat the episode from earlier, but I also didn't want to make him walk.

"I don't want to tire you even more after all of that." I countered, but Vernon seemed to know what I actually meant and he said something to the leader.

"Come on, Doe. Can I stop by the hotel quickly to grab my bag?" I nodded and we started walking in the direction of his hotel. I knew everything was very close, and it wouldn't take us more than twenty minutes to be back at my apartment, but I still felt bad.

"I could have just sucked it up or walked alone." I muttered, and Vernon sighed.

"I don't feel comfortable letting you walk alone at night, and we both know you wouldn't have survived that car ride. I can survive a walk. Is your work place open?" I looked at the time on my phone and nodded, it would be open for another two hours even though it was already getting late.

"Perfect. I'm hungry and I want to check out where you'll be working so I know it's safe." I laughed and led the way to my work place after we had gotten Vernon's bag from the hotel.

"Oh it's been so long since I've had American snacks. Way too long." I watched him take another chip from his bag as he walked, and he held it up for me to eat. I shook my head, and he frowned.

"You're way too skinny, eat." Vernon obviously had no idea of my food situation at the house, but he is honestly skinnier than I am. I shook my head again, but he pressed it against my lips so I had to eat it. I gave in and ate the chip, which made him smile.

"Your job looks decent, I'm sure you'll be fine there." I got out my key and let us into my apartment, and Vernon threw his bag on the couch.

"Yeah, I know it'll be at the least decent. You can take my bed so you're rested for tomorrow and I'll take the couch. Help yourself to whatever, my place is your place." I leaned my crutches against the wall and placed my key and phone on the kitchen counter.

"I can't kick you out of your own bed. I'll be fine on the couch." Vernon protested, but I wasn't going to let him.

"If your on the couch you might not sleep well, and I won't let you sleep on the couch." Vernon sighed, but gave in and took his bag to my bedroom.

"I know you just moved in, so where's all your stuff?" I entered the bathroom and started brushing out my hair.

"What stuff?" I called out, and I could hear some shuffling around my room.

"Your clothes and-" he paused for a second and popped his head into the bathroom, "do you not have food?"

"No, I have food and I have clothes." I answered him calmly, and he just stared at me before grabbing his phone from his back pocket and texting someone. I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when he finally looked back up from his phone.

"The 97 line hyungs all want to go see the city, and The8 hyung and Mingyu hyung want to test out their knowledge of women style. So in other words, I'm getting you some clothes and food and you know you can't stop me." I opened my mouth to protest, but just ended up finishing brushing my teeth.

"Okay, but you aren't getting me much, and nothing expensive. And we aren't going to be out for long or else your managers will probably kill me. Because I know if I don't go with you, you'll probably just go without me." Vernon smiled and I knew I had gotten his thoughts spot on. I do definitely feel guilty at the thought of him buying me things.

"Can I at least pay you back later?" His smile got brighter and he started jumping around a bit.

"Nope! Never!"

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