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"Let's go!" Seungkwan decided I wasn't moving fast enough for him, so he picked me up and grabbed my crutches.

"Hey! Put me down! I can walk on my own!" Seungkwan ignored my cries and carried me around the kcon venue to find whoever he was looking for. Jun was the only one who heard my protests, but he just took my crutches and followed Seungkwan around instead of helping me.

"Where are we going?" I asked once I had stopped struggling since I realized it was useless.

"Got7, nct127, super junior, red velvet and Pentagon." My eyes widened and my struggles against Seungkwan started up again. Jun said something to Seungkwan, and suddenly I was being switched over and my crutches went to Seungkwan.

"Don't you guys have things to do? Where's Vernon? Can I at least walk on my own? Please? I'm not ready for the world." I continued to ramble on, and Jun put me down in front of someone's dressing room, but he put his hands tightly on my shoulders so I couldn't run away. I reached for my crutches, and Seungkwan handed them over before knocking on the door.

"Mark! Can you get that?"

"Why can't you get it?"

"Forget you guys, I'll get it."

I looked up at Jun nervously, and he gave me a reassuring smile right before the door opened. My eyes widened, and I probably would have been swaying on my feet if Jun wasn't holding me. Seungkwan and Jb talked for a second before he opened the door wider and let us all in.

All of got7 went somewhat quiet until Jackson and Mark noticed I wasn't Korean. I stood there awkwardly as some of the members conversed in Korean, and I really wished Vernon was here.

"You don't look Korean, what's your name?" Jackson asked me in English once he had gotten up from the couch, and Mark joined him.

"I'm not even remotely Asian for all I know. Seungkwan just dragged me here. I'm Doe, by the way." I glared at Seungkwan for a second before turning my attention back to the two males in front of me.

"I'm guessing you know got7 if he brought you here." Mark commented, and I nodded.

"Who's your bias?" Jackson asked immediately afterwards, and I sighed. I had a feeling I was going to be asked this a lot today.

"That seems like a dangerous question to answer." Mark smiled cheekily and put an arm around my shoulder, which made me tense up.

"It's obviously me." I snorted, and Mark looked offended while removing his arm from my shoulders.

"If it makes you feel any better, it's Jinyoung." Both English speakers in front of me gasped, and Jackson called Jinyoung over. The three of them exchanged only a few words, but that was all Jinyoung needed for him to come up and hug me.

"Good choice." He whispered into my ear, and I could only hope I wasn't heating up at the close interaction.

"Distract the seventeen members while I kidnap her." Jinyoung demanded in Korean, and Mark and Jackson looked at him skeptically.

"What would you do anyways? And what's in it for us?" Jackson asked, causing Jinyoung to sigh.

"I will buy you both dinner of whatever you want." Jackson and Mark seemed to consider it while I stared at them in confusion.

"Deal." Jinyoung made sure Seungkwan and Jun were distracted, before Jinyoung lifted me up onto his back and grabbed my crutches before sneaking out of the room with me.

"What is it with guys and just whisking me off? I have a voice, you know." Jinyoung just smiled and weaved his way through the crowd of people.

"Sorry, I want to bring you to nicer English speakers. What's your name?"

"Doe, but where are you taking me?" I looked behind me and tried to see if Seungkwan or Jun were trying to come after me and steal me back, but there was no luck.

"To stray kids." I honestly had no idea who he was talking about, and I felt kind of bad, but we were soon in front of their dressing room. Jinyoung didn't even knock, he just barged in and set me down in front of a confused group of boys. I gladly took my crutches back, and listened while Jinyoung talked with the nine of them.

"Hello, my name is Chris, and we are Stray Kids." He bowed slightly and I did the same before everyone else introduced themselves. His Australian accent was extremely noticable, along with Felix's.

"So, how did you end up here, Doe?" Felix asked, and I started laughing.

"Vernon from seventeen invited me here since we met while I was in the hospital and became friends, but then Seungkwan and Jun kidnapped me and were bringing me around until Jinyoung kidnapped me." Chris turned to Felix with a smile.

"Does this mean we get to kidnap you?" The older asked, and I sighed.

"No one's given me a choice yet, but I would prefer it if you didn't." The two pouted, and all of a sudden, Jinyoung came over and hugged me before leaving. I looked at Chris with confusion, and one of the other members said something in Korean.

"He had to leave for his stage rehearsal." Chris translated, and I nodded. That hug was unnecessary, but I'll take it I guess.

"You too seem close." Felix commented, and I shrugged.

"All I said was that he's my bias, and now he's hugging me and kidnapping me." A smirk formed on Felix's face, and I tried to look for somewhere to hide.

"Do you have a stray kids bias?" I shook my head very aggressively, and Felix just cheered to my confusion.

"That means I have space to be your best friend!" Chris just playfully smacked the back of Felix's head, and he calmed down for a second.

"Do I get your number so we can talk?" I just nodded since Felix seemed harmless, while Chris went to go do his leader stuff. I was about to pull out my phone, when I realized I had left it in seventeen's dressing room.

"I'll just tell you my number, since I left it in seventeen's dressing room." Felix nodded and pulled out his own so I could add myself in. I just saved myself as the deer emoji before handing Felix his phone back. He saw what I did and smiled.

"Cute." Chris called out to his group members, and they all started packing up their things.

"Sorry, Doe. We have to go do our stage rehearsal." I nodded and Felix pulled my hat over my eyes, making me laugh.

"I'll just find my way back to seventeen. It was nice meeting you." I waved at the boys and walked out into the hallway to try and maneuver my way around. That's when I realized, I didn't even truly know where I was.

I quickly found a familiar figure, and tried to catch up to him without bumping into anyone. I eventually got up right next to him and called his name.

"Jun. Jun?" I poked his shoulder since he didn't seem to hear me, and I instantly regretted it.

"I am so sorry, you're not who I thought you were."

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