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"So how exactly are we doing this?" I asked once we were getting ready to leave the kcon venue. Vernon shrugged and continued to make sure he had everything he came with.

"That doesn't help, bro." Joshua came up next to me, ready to go.

"Is he being a butt or spacing out?" Joshua asked me, and I pursed my lips and huffed.

"He won't answer my question, but I know he heard me." Joshua shook his head, and Vernon turned us out.

"Just call him a butt then. And what's your question?"

"We were supposed to come up with an exact plan for how I'm not going to be seen by the media and public, but we only have a rough plan we went over last night." Joshua nodded and called over S.Coups.

"What's your rough plan?" Joshua asked, and I told him before he translated it to the leader. S.Coups ran over a few things with Joshua, and I was surprised to notice I could recognize very few words. But it's better than nothing at this point.

"He says that the rough plan will work. We'll try not to draw too much attention to you while we're walking. Do you think you'll be able to keep up?" Joshua asked, and I nodded.

"Thanks. I guess I'll try not to draw attention to myself then." He smiled, and turned back to their leader. S.Coups and Joshua ended up going into a conversation, and I made my way over to Vernon who was playing on his phone.

"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked while sitting next to him, and he sighed while shutting off his phone.

"I'm scared something will happen to you, and then it will be my fault because I convinced you to come." He really did sound scared, and he kept fidgeting with his fingers instead of looking up at me. I put my hand over his so he would stop moving and it worked.

"Coups, Joshua and I just finished up the plan, so I should be fine. Plus I know that's not the only thing bothering you." He sighed once more, confirming my assumption, and he looked up at me with sad eyes.

"I don't want to leave you, Doe." A wave of sadness washed over my at the thought of him returning to South Korea in the morning. Who knows when I will physically be in his company next?

"I don't want you to go either, bro, but you kinda have to." He sighed and I tries to think of a way to lighten the mood.

"Shouldn't we be living up our time together instead of moping around?" I poked his cheek with one of my fingers to try and make him smile, and it worked.

"Is everyone ready to go?" S.Coups asked in Korean, and Vernon helped me up before translating. Right before we were about to head out, Vernon pulled me into a tight hug.

"Be safe, sis."

"You too, bro. I've seen how crazy some fans can get." He laughed and then joined his fellow members on their walk to the vans. Tons of fans lined the walkway, and security kept them in check. I made sure to stay by Dahni since she was the only one I really knew, and I stayed in the middle of the staff members. My cap was pulled low over my eyes and I kept my head down while trying to keep up.

The entire staff started jumping into their own vans, and Dahni motioned for me to come with her. I smoothly hopped into the van and adjusted my crutches so they were taking up the least amount of space possible.

Vernonie 😉: Are you in the van?

Me: Yep. Safe and sound.

I put my phone in my pocket and focused on the scenery around me and not panic. Not many of the staff members were talking with each other, so I didn't feel the need to start a conversation. Which I probably couldn't do anyways.

The confined walls didn't seem too constricting this time, but my mind was in a million different places. I kept myself physically busy by bouncing my knee up and down, and I kept my eyes shut.

Cars are probably one of the worst inventions, and I was glad that it was a short ride. I was itching to get out as soon as we arrived at the hotel, but I had to wait my turn.

I stayed with the staff until we entered the hotel, and then I joined Vernon and his members. I sighed in relief as soon as I was close to him, and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"You okay, sis?" I nodded but didn't say anything until we reached their hotel rooms. Have I mentioned how much I hate cars?

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