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"Okay, Doe. Have you gotten any ideas yet? I tried thinking of a few things, but it's kind of hard to do that while dancing. I haven't asked my hyungs about any of this yet. Do you want me to?"

"Vernon. Calm down a bit. You're making me even more nervous." I had to interrupt him before he kept going.

"Oh, sorry. So have you thought of anything?" I sighed and leaned back in my bed. The whole two hours I had to think, were spent walking around the room with my crutches and thinking of all the things I couldn't do.

"Sort of? I mean, I know what I can't do, but I also have no clue about what I can do."

"Well it might help if you had an age we could go from..."

All emotions were wiped from my face, and I actually wished it was a video call so I could glare at him.

"Vernon, you know I have no idea. I don't even know if I've graduated highschool."

"I know, I know. It was just the first thing that came to mind."

"Maybe you could give me an age." I whispered it, half hoping he wouldn't hear me.

"You want me to give you an age?" I nodded, knowing very well he couldn't see me.

"A birthday might help too." I whispered that also.

"For a birthday, how about today? And for a year... 2001? You could easily pass for eighteen, and you wouldn't have to go to school." A smile spread onto my face at how thoughtful he was being.

"March 13th, 2001. I like it. Thanks Vernon."

"Anything I can do to help. Oh! Happy Birthday Doe!" I laughed and I could hear him laughing a bit too.

"Thanks, Vernon."

We talked for a while longer, completely forgetting the original reason for calling. Eventually, Vernon had to go to bed and hung up.

I collapsed onto my bed and sighed. We got literally no where in solving my problem. All we talked about was a whole bunch of random things. Which I don't mind because it took my mind off of things. Until they came flooding back.

I grabbed my phone and started searching up job opportunities in my area. Turns out, there aren't many that I come close to qualifying for. Let alone being able to do the job.

I let out another sigh and looked across my room at the open window. The world is honestly way too bright right now. I glanced at my crutches that were leaning against my bed and shrugged.

Going for a walk never hurts.

I scribbled a note for Rachel in case she decided to stop in and check on me, and I brushed my fingers through my hair. I currently only own two outfits, so I just have to hope I look okay.

I made it out of the hospital without anyone questioning me, and hobbled into the hospital garden. I sat down on a bench and breathed in the fresh air around me. It's been awhile since I've had time to just sit outside and enjoy the fresh air. Way too long.

"Okay, all I have to do is find a job. That can't be too hard, right?" I rested my head in my hands and groaned.

"Who am I kidding? I have no idea what I'm doing."

"You look way too stressed for your age. What's troubling you?" I looked up and saw an older lady standing in front of me. Wrinkles were etched across her kind looking face, and a bandana was tied around her head. Probably a cancer patient here at the hospital.

I moved over so I wasn't taking up the majority of the bench, and motioned for her to sit next to me. The lady smiled and gladly sat down before turning to me. She obviously wasn't going to let me sit in peace.

"I'm being discharged from the hospital and I need to find a job to support myself. But there isn't much out there for me to do." I motioned to my missing leg with my partial left hand, and the lady smiled sympathetically.

"What ever do you mean, child? You can do anything you want. All I see is a minor setback, nothing too big." She grabbed my right hand and held it tightly.

"Thank you. But I don't think the employers will think that way." She gasped and looked offended.

"Well find someone who doesn't because I refuse to be wrong." She nodded firmly for effect, and I laughed.

"I will make sure to prove you right then, ma'am. Thank you." She smiled sincerely before standing up and walking away from me.

I grabbed my crutches and made my way back to my room, but this time much more confident. I sat down on the edge of my bed and grabbed my phone so I could text Vernon even though I knew he was sleeping.

Me: I think I know what I'm going to do.

Me: I have an old lady to prove right.

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