Chapter 9 - Simon

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Simon's point of view

"Hey!" Anne looked up from her flash cards when I walked into Demona's room. "What are you doing here? Dylan told me that you've got a new girlfriend. Isn't Saturday night the perfect time to be with her?"

I rolled my eyes and felt a little annoyed at Dylan. Everyone had been on my case about Sheila this week and I just wanted them to back off. I was bad enough with girls without all of my friends asking me about it, gossiping, giving me unsolicited advice.

"She's a werewolf," I told Anne. "And tonight is the full moon. Besides, she's not my girlfriend."

"A werewolf..." She shook her head in wonder. "Even with a vampire for a best friend and a witch for a boyfriend, it still amazes me how many things are out there without anyone knowing. Isn't it scary to date a werewolf?"

Sheila was a lot of things, but scary wasn't one of them. "We're not dating," I corrected Anne. "Or well, maybe we are? I don't know anymore. And she's actually pretty sweet."

Anne laughed. "From everything Demona has told me about you the past two years and what I've come to know about you the past weeks, I think you are dating this girl. You're the monogamic dating kind, aren't you?"

"I guess." I just wasn't sure if making out and sleeping together was called dating. I had been trying to give her more of my attention between classes and research, but the whole thing still confused me. Every time I tried to talk to her for real, she started kissing me again and all thoughts flew from my head.

I wasn't sure why she didn't want to talk about where this whole thing was leading, what we were to each other. Was she afraid to tell me that she didn't like me in that way? That I was just a nice distraction? Or did she actually like me and was she scared that I didn't feel the same way? Even with my wish granting powers, I couldn't figure it out. The thing she wished all the time was for me to kiss her, never for me to actually talk to her.

"Are you studying?" I asked, sitting down next to Anne and glancing at her flash cards.

"SATs," she explained. "But I also wanted to see Demona. So I decided I might as well combine the two. Wanna help?"

I accepted the stack of cards and started quizzing her. She was obviously well prepared, since she answered every single question without so much as a hesitation.

"Wow," I told her after a while. "How long have you been prepping for this?"

"It feels like all my life," she sighed. "I want to get into med school, so I need the most amazing grades ever. If I nail the SATs, I'm pretty sure I can get in. But if I don't... that's pretty much the end of my dream to become a doctor. Are you taking them too?"

I shook my head. "Doesn't work like that for supes. We study and take tests until we complete the Trans. High school ends the moment we become full werewolves, fairies, vampires or witches. No tests needed. No graduation, no anything."

"Then how do you get into any good schools after?" she asked, hew eyes wide. "You just get to go instead of slaving away like me?"

"Of course not," I assured her. "Our grades are important too. And our teachers write letters of recommendation. Every college has someone working for them who knows about the supernatural world and they look at our transcripts and decide whether we get in. The most important reason for supes not getting into good school is the fact that we might prove to be dangerous." I gestured toward Demona. "You know how Dem struggled with her bloodlust, right? She was getting over it, but some vamps never really do. Do you really think Harvard wants someone running around who wants to suck everyone's blood? And werewolves can only apply to schools that have rooms or a reserve for them to change during the full moon. So if anything, we have less opportunities, not more."

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