Chapter 38 - Demona

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Demona's point of view

When I resurfaced, it felt like I hadn't been gone all that long this time around. My eyes fluttered open and I sat up with a grunt, taking in the room around me.

"Demmy!" My mother grabbed my arm and squeezed. "You're awake! They were right!"

"Mom..." My voice was hoarse, but at least I could talk. Oh, how I had missed being able to express myself. "Where..."

She shushed me and offered me a glass of water with a straw. I clutched it with both hands, taking gulp after gulp, starting to feel more like myself already.

"Everyone is fine," she assured me. "Trust me, everyone is just fine. Eros, Simon, everyone. I'll fill you in later. Don't worry right now. Just focus on staying with me."

"Where are they?" I asked, managing a sound just louder than a whisper.

"Hi there, Miss Hollow!" A chipped doctor smiled at me. I think he must have been standing next to my bed all along, but I only now noticed him. "Welcome back. My name is Dr. Matthews. I'm going to do a few short tests just to make sure everything is working correctly, okay? There'll be more tests in the next few days, but for now I just want to check the basics."

As I nodded, he shone a light in my eyes and told me to follow his moving finger. Next was the stethoscope to listen to my heart, followed by questions about who I was, where I was, what year it was, and so on. Finally, after hands touching what felt like every part of my body and a brief hearing test, he left the room, leaving me alone with Mom.

"Oh Demona, don't ever do this to me again," she said, tears in her eyes. "You scared the living hell out of me."

"I'm sorry," I replied. "I had to. Eros... where is Eros?"

Quickly, Mom explained that in order to wake me up, they had returned Ben's powers back to him, locked him up and then put themselves in a deep sleep so my body didn't have to deal with the strain of having two bondmates. As she talked, I reached out to them, finding them, indeed, fast asleep.

"So they are fine?" I asked again and again. "Everyone is fine? Ben was captured? Sheila didn't hurt anyone?"

Mom nodded. "Like I said, everyone is perfectly fine. Simon and Eros have some cuts and bruises, but are otherwise fine. Everyone has been worried about you, Demona. So worried."

I took her hand in mine a squeezed. She responded by pulling me into a hug. How horrible it must have been for her to see her only daughter like that, confined to a bed.

"You have to promise me not to lie to me anymore," Mom said when she let go of me. "It would have been nice to know about Eros' powers, about all the stuff with your uncle Benjamin... Why do you always seem to think that you have to fix everything and everyone on your down, Dem?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, it felt like the only way."

"You could have just reported Ben to KTS," Mom went on. "He's being charged with so many crimes as we speak that he will never get out of his cell. You didn't need the drastic measures you took to take him out. Why don't you ever just think before you do?"

I didn't need this, not right now. All I wanted was to see Simon and Eros, but I understood that they were not able to come in right now. I sighed and settled into the propped-up cushions. Being awake was exhausting.

My eye caught Mom's ring then, a large diamond blinking at me. It was beautiful, large, expensive and new. The small gold wedding band my dad had once given her was still present as well, slipped onto the same finger as the brand new white gold ring was.

Supernatural Boarding School #3 - A Brush of Death ✅Where stories live. Discover now