Chapter 14 - Eros

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Eros' point of view

The sun was setting, throwing dark shadows as well as a lovely pinkish red shade over the enormous pool. Residents of the Palace were retiring to their homes after a long leisurely day of swimming, reading and just enjoying the nice weather. It was unseasonable warm for May and many of the woman were in bright sundresses, old-timely stray hats on their grey hair.

Looking at the pool, the tall yellow building, the pond with the small fountain in the middle, spraying water – I couldn't help but feeling I was about to start a relaxing vacation. Instead, I was here at the Palace in Weston to find out more about Benjamin Foul. His name alone made me want to gag. I was fairly certain he wouldn't be here, that he hadn't shown his face ever since losing his powers, but I still hoped to find out something, anything from the people here that had known him. The staff, the residents, anyone.

"Hello there, handsome."

I glanced next to me and saw a tiny little woman standing there, her back bent from old age, a walking stick in her hands.

"Would you mind walking me to the elevator? I'm having such a hard time moving around there says, even when the weather is hot like it is today." She babbled on about how the warmth used to ease her rheumatism as I escorted her inside. She thanked me with a smile and a kiss, her leathery lips brushing my cheek.

"Do all women love you?" I heard someone say behind me. "Or is it just the grannies?"

I turned around to see a pretty waitress with dark hair looking at me. With a shock, I realized I knew her. "Calliope," I breathed. This had been the waitress Benjamin had made me compel when he had visited him. I remembered her cowering under a table before Ben pulled her up and pushed her into my arms so I could control her mind.

She frowned. "Have we met before?"

Of course she wouldn't know who I was. After all, I had erased all memories of that evening from her mind. Back when I still had my powers. Before Demona took them from me to protect me.

"I'm a friend of Ben's," I lied. "Benjamin Foul. He used to live here."

"Oh, Ben!" her face lit up. She obviously didn't remember how awful her had been to her. To all women, really. "Of course I remember him. He's been gone for a while though, moved out with his mother without telling anyone."

I grunted. Another dead end, or so it seemed. "I'm looking for him, but he didn't leave an address or a phone number. You wouldn't happen to know someone who could point me in the right direction?"

Calliope frowned and shook her head, her ponytail bouncing down her back. "I don't think so, although... If anyone would know, it would be Nancy."

"And where can I find her?" My heart was racing, my stomach turning. I hadn't talked to Calliope nor Nancy the last time I'd come her, looking for Ben. Hopefully, I'd have more luck this time.

The girl motioned for me to follow her into the dining hall, where dinner was just winding down. It seemed most people had been eating outside, since there weren't many tables occupied.

"Nancy is the girl in the back, clearing the tables," Calliope told me. "She and Ben used to date, I think, although it was always hard to tell with Ben, how serious he really was about a girl. Nancy was devastated when he left." She have me a hard look. "Please don't upset her."

"Of course not." Despite my promise, I knew I would do whatever it took to get information on Ben. I'd threaten her if I had to, but for now I'd start by talking to her. Maybe bust out my rusty moves and charm some answers out of her.

Supernatural Boarding School #3 - A Brush of Death ✅Where stories live. Discover now