Chapter 45 - Eros

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Eros' point of view

"What do you mean, we can have sex?" Surely I misunderstood what she was saying. She couldn't possibly mean... She didn't seriously think that I...

"If we need to exchange powers anyway, then my not do it the way we did it before?" Demona said, wiggling her eyebrows. "I mean, I may not be a virgin anymore, but you can hardly call my first experience a normal one. I would love to just be able to be with you the way other girls can. To not fall into a black pit into of nothingness right after, to just snuggle with you."

"You can snuggle with me right now," I said, not able to keep the annoyance from my voice. "We don't need sex to do that."

"Eros..." Demona grabbed my hand and tried to pull me to her, but I got up from the bed to put some distance between us.

"No," I said. "No way. Demona, do I seriously need to remind you that the last time we slept together, you ended up in a coma? You've only been awake for two weeks! Do you seriously think that sex is even on my mind at this point?"

I could tell that my harshness hurt her, but I needed to drive my point home. Of course I wanted her. I had from moment I laid eyes on her, but I wasn't a caveman. I had let myself go once and I'd almost lose her forever. I wasn't going to sleep with her, not now, not when she was still recovering from suddenly being able to control minds, working through her issues with drinking human blood, still adjusting to her new life. There was no reason to give into our urges right now, not with so much on the line.

"Well, it is on my mind," she spat. "I'm sorry for being attracted to my boyfriend. I'm sorry for wanting to be with him. I'm sorry that I thought that you might want to have sex with me. Obviously, I was wrong."

"Dem..." I sighed. "You know that I want to. I'm just not going to, because I love you too damn much to ever put you in danger again."

She grunted and let herself fall backways, stretching herself out on the bed. "What was the use of me waking up when I can't even live a normal life? I can't go out of the hospital except for an hour a day to train in the woods. I can't go back to school once summer is over. I can't even go with you to our own place. What is the use of living together when I'm not actually living? And now, finally, we can at least do one thing, and you're telling me no?"

I knew that explaining over and over again would do no good. She already understood why I was saying no. She knew that I was too scared of losing her, of her collapsing underneath me again. I had somehow managed to survive these past months, but I knew that if something like that happened again, we both wouldn't be so lucky. Besides, there was a chance that I'd be the one in a coma or worse this time. I wasn't scared of that, but I knew how depressed I had gotten when she'd been gone. I would never wish for her to feel that way.

"I love you," I said, getting onto the bed as well so I could pull her into my arms. "I love you so much, Demona. We'll get there, I promise, we will. And I want to, you know that. For now, our love just has to be enough. It has been for so long. Can't we just hold onto that for a little while longer? We have all the time in the world to move forward. It doesn't have to be right now."

She relaxed into my embrace and finally allowed herself to cry. To let out all the hurt she'd been feeling from the moment she'd woken up, refusing to feel it.

"I just want to go back to normal," she whispered. "I never wanted this power. I just want you."

"I know, little one, I know," I replied, stroking her hair.

We stayed like that for a long time, comforting each other. I was sad for her, but not for myself. Honestly, I had never been so completely okay with not being able to have sex. I'd gladly stay celibate for the rest of my life if it meant that Demona would be safe. Sure, I'd rather take her right here and now, but I just couldn't.

Supernatural Boarding School #3 - A Brush of Death ✅Where stories live. Discover now