Chapter 37 - Eros

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Eros' point of view

Sheila really did a number on me. When I woke up in a hospital room with nurse Sara in a chair next to me, I couldn't help but wince. I felt like I'd been cut open from top to bottom and stitched back together with a rusty needle. Obviously, that wasn't the case, but I was still surprised how crappy I looked when Sara handed me a mirror. It might be a good thing that Demona couldn't see me like this. My arm was complete covered in a huge bandage and there were bruises on my face, my neck, my wrists... Actually, it felt like it might be quicker to name the places I wasn't bruised.

"Did Sheila...?" I looked at nurse Sara, who was smiling at me with so much kindness that it hurt. "Is Demona okay?"

"She's fine," the nurse promised me. "You and Simon distracted the wolf long enough for the doctors to go get a sedative strong enough to knock her out. She's in a holding cell at the school right now."

"So everyone is okay?" I pressed. "Demona, Simon, Sheila, all hospital staff?"

Nurse Sara laughed. "Eros, this is a supernatural healthcare facility. This isn't the first time a werewolf changed on the premises. This sort of thing happens."

"Okay. Thanks." I could tell she wanted to say more, but I was more than ready to head back to Demona's room. Hearing that she was alright was great, but seeing it for myself would be even better. As I made my way over, I tried to tap into Simon to see if he was awake yet. Instead, I found a different energy than I'd expected. It took me a moment to recognize it since it had been so long.


I could no longer feel Simon. Instead, she was back. Sure, she was vast asleep, but she was present. She was back!

I arrived at her room at the exact same time as Simon did, coming from his own hospital room. He was bleeding through the bandage on his neck, but his face was radiant. When we walked into the room, there was a doctor in there, talking to Ellen. He turned when he saw us and nodded in recognition.

"I was just telling Mrs. Hollow that there is no change in Demona's situation. The logs show that she had more brain activity a short while ago, but she seems to have relapsed. There's still no telling when she'll wake up."

"Erm..." Simon glanced at me. "I'm pretty sure she's not a in a coma anymore."

"The machines show that-"

I interrupted the doctor. "No offence, but I don't give a shit what does beeping machines say. She's back, okay? We can feel her. She may not be awake yet, but she's not sleeping anymore."

Ellen got up and drew both of us in for a hug. It was so strange to be this close to Simon without our energy streams connected to each other. I could still see his bright purple aura, though.

"She must have woken up when we were out," Simon realized. "Maybe her body shot off the connection to us because it was too much. I bet if we would both get knocked out again, she'd wake back up."

"I volunteer," Dylan's voice said behind us. "I've been wanting to knock Eros out for years now. And if I really have to, I'll be happy to hit you over the head with a chair as well, Simon."

We all stood there, grinning like mad men. Finally, our girl was waking up. I walked over to Dem and took her hand in mine. She immediately squeezed it, red sparks shooting through her aura before it slowly turned back to the vampire blackness with the edge of gold.

As I watched her with a smile, I noticed something on the back of her hand. I turned it over and gasped. There was writing on it – her writing.

"No regrets," I read out loud. "Love you."

The others huddled around me to read it as well. It was smudged and hard to read, but the words were easy enough to read them anyway. She had been awake and able to pick up a pen and write. This was the best day since Dem had fallen into her come.

I turned to the doctor and held out my arms. "Pump me full of sedative, doc," I ordered. "Let's wake Demona up for good."

It took a while to convince the hospital staff that knocking me and Simon out was the best course of action. They kept insisting on doing more tests on all of us, try other things first, but when we threatened to just start banging our heads against the wall until we fainted, they agreed that it would be better to put us in an artificial sleep so they could monitor all three of us when Dem woke up.

Simon called the school first to find out how Sheila was doing. Mr. Hammerhead got her on the phone for him and she was doing well, all things considered. She was relieved that she had done no irreparable harm. She'd be in the holding cell for at least a few more days, but when she emerged, she'd be a fully turned werewolf. Finally.

At long last, Simon and I were brought to a different room so that Demona wouldn't freak out when she woke up. Seeing our lifeless forms surely wouldn't be nice for her. It surely hadn't been nice for us to see her like that those past four months. They hooked us up to a machine to monitor us, made us sign some forms that said we wouldn't sue anyone and finally, finally, finally, nurse Sara and the doctor administered a large dose of a potent sleeping potion that would keep us under as long as needed. Honestly, I didn't care how long they'd leave us there, as long as it meant Demona would be okay. It sucked that I couldn't be there when she woke up. Still, it was a small sacrifice to make.

"See you on the other side, brother," I told Simon, smiling just a brightly as he did. "Sweet dreams."

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