Chapter 44 - Demona

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Demona's point of view

"Don't be so stubborn." Hammerhead was glaring at me from across the room. "We've been over a hundred times, even before your coma. You know you need blood, Demona. Whether you like it or not."

I crossed my arms, knowing fully well that I was back to being the pouty girl I'd been a year ago, refusing to drink a single sip of blood. And it wasn't even animal blood – this was human blood. Actual blood that was meant to help humans get better. I was taking away resources from cancer patient, people in surgery, people who were in an accident... How could I do that in good conscious?

"We could just hook her back up to that iv," Cornelia Eisenberg said, her voice strained. She was obviously done with this conversation.

She and Hammerhead had been training me for two weeks now, trying to get me to drink blood before every session, but I always refused. That resulted in me being completely exhausted and bloodthirsty by the end of every training, but that was just the price I had to pay.

"Demona..." Hammerhead sighed and he sat down in the chair next to my bed.

I was sitting on top of the bed, on top of the blankets. We were supposed to head outside, into the forest, but they refused to leave before I drank the blood.

"Look, we both know what will happen if you don't drink blood," Hammerhead went on, his eyebrows raised. The imagine of me biting Amy and Simon flashed before my eyes. "You made your peace with it before the coma. Please just go back to that mindset and take a sip!" He held the cup of fresh blood in front of me. "Please, I beg of you, just drink it."

"This is human blood," I said for the hundredth time. "I made my peace with animal blood, which my friends compensated for by becoming vegetarians. I never actually realized I would have to start drinking human blood before my Trans."

Cornelia sighed deeply. "I already explained this to you, Demona. During the coma, you needed your strength. Even young vampires who aren't fully transformed benefit from drinking human blood instead of animal blood. And now that you've been on a constant blood iv, you can't just go back to animal blood. Despite everything, despite the coma and the powers, you are strong. The Trans might not be that far away. You need to be ready. You need to continue daily portions of human blood to keep getting better, to gain control of your powers. I've told you this over and over, Demona. I am tired of this. Drink the blood. Or don't and accept the fact that you will hurt or even kill one of your friends. And accept that you may never gain control of your powers, which means you won't complete the Trans and Eros sure as hell won't and Simon might not even get to become a full fairy."

She knew just what to say to get through to me. That Cornelia Eisenberg was one smart, mean lady. I had been told before that Eros' body was ready to turn into a full vampire. He probably had been for a while now, but because he had been dealing with powers that weren't his own, he hadn't been able to. Now, he had my aura powers stuck in him, still holding him back from becoming a full vampire. And since Simon was our bondmate, no one was sure what effect my struggled and Eros' inability to change might have on him. He might be just fine, it wasn't his time to transition anyway, but at the same time, we might end up holding him back.

Always, always, always it came down to me hurting my bondmates. Every time.

"Okay, fine." I grabbed the cup and gulped down its contents. Of course, the blood tasted amazing. Better than anything ever had. Even cold and squeezed into a cup from a blood bag, it was still delicious. It was a miracle that vampires weren't rampaging cities to drink straight from the source.

"Finally," Cornelia sighed. "Let's go."

The three of us walked out of my hospital room, through the hallways and out to the forest that surrounded the place. It was late in the afternoon, so the sun wasn't as hot as it had been all day, but I could still feel it dampening my vampire powers somewhat. My eyes burned and it was always as if I could feel the beams on my skin. I hurried into the shade of the trees.

Supernatural Boarding School #3 - A Brush of Death ✅Where stories live. Discover now