Chapter 15 - Simon

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Simon's point of view

All I had left to do was light the candles and wait. I'd made the bed, fluffed the pillows, put on some music, dimmed the lights and poured us both a glass of wine from the bottle Sheila had hidden away underneath her bed. She had left me alone in her bedroom fifteen minutes before so she could take a shower after working out all afternoon.

When I'd seen her walking into the cafeteria to get some water and an apple, I hadn't been able to help myself. She looked too beautiful not to go over and kiss her. Her hair all over the place, her eyes even wilder. Stunning.

So far, we hadn't displayed much affection where others could see us. Sheila was always painfully aware of the fact that she was Eros' ex and I was Demona's. On top of that, Amy hated both of our guts after me dumping her and Sheila backing out of the revenge they had been planning on Demona. And of course there were many, many ex-boyfriends of Sheila walking the halls, psychopathic Kevin not even the worst amongst them.

I didn't care, honestly. I knew what I was getting myself into the first time I kissed Sheila, even if I hadn't realized how much I'd come to like her. She was beautiful and a year older than I was. Of course she was more experienced. In a way, that was a good thing. At least she knew what she was doing. Tonight was going to be my second time, so it was difficult not to let nerves get the better of me. I knew that she didn't mind that I was still new to this, but it still worried me sometimes that she could compare me to all the other guys that had been where I was now – sitting on the edge of her bed, waiting for her to join me.

Finally, the door to the bathroom opened and Sheila emerged, wearing skimpy black nightgown that showed off just how sexy the truly was. The most mesmerizing part of her was her face, though. She usually wore quite a lot of make-up, but I liked her better like this. The olive tone of her skin made her bright brown eyes pop out like sparkling diamonds. Her auburn hair was still a little wet, falling around her face freely. The only make-up was her lipstick. Bright red lips, forming my name.

"Wow," I breathed. "You look absolutely amazing."

She smiled and looked around the room. "You didn't need to do all this," she said surprised.

"Are you kidding?" I got up as she walked toward me and put my arms around her. "If I'd had any rose petals, I would have even made a path from the door to the bed."

She giggled and brought her face to min, kissing me softly. "You are so sweet. Now let's see what else you can be..." With that, she pushed me so hard I fell backward and ended up sprawled on the bed, very undignified. Before I could respond, she was already on top of me, her hands pulling at my shirt to take it off.


We stayed in bed for hours, talking and laughing. We hadn't gotten around to drinking the wine before jumping into bed together, so we enjoyed a few sips after. Touching, talking and kissing were far more important, as it turned out, so I might as well have saved myself the trouble of pouring the glasses. Not that anything was too much trouble when it came to Sheila Royce.

She told me about her life before boarding school, her family, her dreams. With every detail I learned about her, I felt more and more sure that it was a miracle she had turned out the way she had. Her mother was a alcoholic, in and out of rehab. Her dad abused her mother, but no matter how often Sheila had tried to get her away from him, she just kept going back.

"When I get married, I am definitely taking my husband's name," Sheila told me. She was laying on her back, staring at the ceiling. "I know some woman like to keep their own name or hyphenate or something, but I can't wait to get rid of my dad's name. Royce. I hate it. I hate every stupid letter, the sound of it, its mere existence."

"Sheila Summers," I said with a smile. "That has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

Her eyes went wide and she set up so quickly that she got a headrush. She looked down on me in utter shock. "We only slept together twice so far! And we've only made things official a week ago! Our first kiss was only four weeks ago, Simon. You can't seriously be thinking about marriage yet!"

"I was only joking." I sat up as well and took her shaking hands in mine. "Relax." Part of me left anxious that she was so shaken by the mere thought of marrying me. I certainly was nowhere near thinking about that yet, but it wasn't nice to see someone so appalled by idea alone.

"Sorry," Sheila whispered. "It's just... I like you, Simon. I really, really like you. And I love that you're my boyfriend, but I'm not sure if I ever want to get married. I mean, my parents are married and their relationship is horrible. Just awful. Poisonous. I never thought I would find someone who would treat me right, the way you do. Marriage... I've only just gotten used to the idea that there is someone in this world who wants to cuddle me after sex."

"Come here." I hugged her hard and stroked her hair until she stopped trembling and let herself relax into me. "I'm not asking you to elope, Sheila. I was just joking. I should have known better. I didn't realize this subject was so sensitive. I like you too, you know that. You're beautiful and so, so strong. Give it some time. Give me the time to show you what a proper relationship looks like. To show you that you can trust me."

She pulled back a bit so she could look at me while she talked. "I already trust you, Simon. More than anyone. I've never told anyone these things about my family, never. An yes..." She grinned now. "...Sheila Summers has a nice ring to it."

We kissed and it seemed for a moment like we might have time for a second round this time, but then Sheila's phone started ringing. She groaned in annoyance, but pulled away from me to answer anyway.

"Dylan?" she asked, surprised. "Yeah, he's here." She handed me the phone with a frown.

"Seriously, Summers, you should learn to answer your own phone," Dylan's deep vice grunted from the other side.

"I turned off the sound," I explained. "What's wrong?"

"I get that you want to screw your girlfriend without disturbances, but you should make me one of your favorite contacts so that when I do call, your phone still rings, even when the sound is off."

"Dylan!" I urged. "What. Is. Wrong?" With Demona in a coma and Eros off on his own, I didn't have the time or patience for him to ramble on like this. I was already tearing down the mental walls that had kept Eros out while I was in bed with Sheila and was relieved when I found him in better spirits then he had been in a long time.

"Nothing is wrong," Dylan told me. "In fact... could you meet me and Ellen at the hospital? We need your help to figure out a spell. Eros is on his way as well. He got Ben's new phone number, so we could use your help to figure out how to use that to our advantage as well."

Instead of asking the hundred questions I had, I told him I'd leave right now. It was hard to say goodbye to Sheila, but curfew would be setting in soon anyway, so I knew I'd have had to leave in half an hour anyway. It was a piece of cake to get Hammerhead to allow me to leave the schoolgrounds and ignore curfew. Even the United Board understood that I needed to be at the hospital sometimes, regardless of rules and curfews.

Maybe, just maybe, today would be the day. Tonight would be the night. Maybe... maybe we could finally wake Demona up.

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