Chapter 21 - Eros

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Autor's note: this chapter got away from me... I had a few of the scenes in my head from the beginning, but as I started using those scenes and making it a chapter, something unexpected happened and... well... just go read! I can't wait to hear what you guys think.

Just so you know, I am not taking the time to review everything and correct mistakes in spelling in grammar. I'd rather give you guys the new chapter as soon as it's done. PLEASE point out all my mistakes so I can fix them. I won't be offended! You'd be a big help to me if you help me get the kinks out.


xoxo Mokita

Eros' point of view

"Slayer!" Anne came barging into Dem's room on Saturday night, wearing a formal blue dress that shimmered when she moved. "Suit up!"

I caught the dress shoes she threw at me in a reflex and frowned at the dry cleaning bag she was holding.

"You're taking me to a party," she said in a voice that made it perfectly clear I didn't get a choice. "So go take a shower and make yourself look less like a hobo."

"Get your boyfriend to escort you," I objected. My hands were itching to throw the shoes right back at her. Hurling things at a girl's head was the exact type of thing my dad would have hated, so I took a deep breath and pushed down the urge. "I'm gonna stay with Dem."

Anne groaned. "You've been doing that for over two months now. It's not doing either of you any good. I have a charity event to go to, my parents are making me. Antwan is with his grandparents this weekend, so you're all I've got."

"And what if I refuse?" Which was exactly what I wanted to do.

She raised her eyebrows. "Do you really want to test me, Slayer? I may not have any supernatural powers, but I have a high-pitched voice and a huge lung capacity, so I could stand here screaming all night."

She wasn't kidding, so I grudgingly took the clothes from her and went into the small adjacent bathroom to shave off my beard and take a shower. It wasn't until the smell of soap hit me that I realized how horrible I smelt. Gross.

When I came out, fully dressed in suit and tie, my hair carefully styled and my face cleanly shaven, Anne blinked a few times in surprise.

"Damn, Slayer, I forgot how hot you were underneath all that hair, the horrific odor and sadness. You clean up nicely."

"Thanks." I had to admit I felt more like myself than I had in a while. "Where are we going?"

She motioned for me to follow her, her skirt twirling as she turned around. Anne was a pretty girl, I realized. Long legs, sleek dark hair and a nice figure too. I'd never seen her dressed up before – she was usually in sweats and a T-shirt when she visited, handing around with Simon, Will and Antwan while she tried to get some studying done for the SATs.

"You drive, I'll tell you where to go."

For an hour, she gave me snappy instructions and yelled at me whenever I missed an exit. It wasn't my fault though – she was just horrible at navigating. Her phone got yelled at too, as did the streets, the other cars, even the traffic signs. I felt for Antwan. Demona was a feisty girl too, but she was more happy mad than angry mad. I totally understood why Anne and Demona were such good friends, though.

We ended up at a high-end hotel in Kansas City that I'd been to before for my stepfather's charity events. Wait a minute...

Waiting for us in the parking lot was a familiar shape. Long dark hair, skinny, tight black dress, lips pursed like the whole world annoyed her.

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