Chapter 28 - Eros

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Eros' point of view

Betrayal had never tasted so sweet. Sure, I was a little pissed at Dylan and Simon for keeping me in the dark, but I also knew that they would only have done it if it had truly been the only way.

The trust between the three of us had taken a hit for sure. When push came to shove though, I would still walk through fire for both of them and I knew I could still trust them with my life. They had only gone to KTS behind my back because they knew it was the only way. As much as I would have liked to take on Ben on my own, the fact was that I just wasn't up to the challenge. Not without my powers.

It was because of my idea to break out Julia combined with Dylan's and Simon's decision to involve Cornelia that we were now all in the hospital, ready to take another crack at waking up Demona. While Cornelia set up everything she needed and snapped instructions at another witch she had brought in to assist her, I stared at the wall across from Demona's bed. It was covered in cards from her friends, classmates and teachers, telling her to hang in there and to get well soon. My favorite part of the wall was the collage of playing cards on which she had scribbled words and sentences from her favorite songs. Dylan had handed me today's card just moments ago and it read: Nothing ever felt so right. It was from Last first kiss by Luke James Shaffer. I had heard Demona singing that song plenty times and I remembered the love emanating from her when she closed her eyes and sang those words, so softly that it had made me shiver at the time.

Today, she would finally wake up and I'd be able to kiss her again. Finally.

With a sigh, I taped the card to the wall. It was a queen of hearts – how fitting. She sure was the queen of my heart.

"Okay, we're ready." Cornelia caught my eye and motioned for me to join the others. Simon and Ellen were sitting on either end of the bed, holding Demona's hands. Cornelia and the other witch were standing in the middle, where Demona's bare feet were exposed. She looked vulnerable like this, even more than she had these past few months.

It dawned on me that there was no space for me. The set-up was weirdly symmetric and there was nothing for me to do, nothing to say, nothing to hold. I was here because I wanted to be, not because Demona actually needed me.

"Eros?" Simon motioned me over, tuned into my emotions as he always was. He got up from the bed and gave me his spot, allowing me to hold Demona's hand. He stood behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. For the millionth time, I wondered why Demona had chosen me over him. Simon Summers was a better man than I would ever be.

Cornelia and her colleague both put their hands in the bowl of dirt standing on a small side table and lifted their dirty hands, chanting softly. The stern witch caught my eye and gave me a grim smile. My gaze went to Dem's ankles, were small strings of rope had been tied. The blonde hairs attached to it made me shiver. I'd be perfectly happy if I never had to see anything that belonged to Benjamin Foul ever again. Still, I guess I was grateful for those blonde strands right now. They were our only chance at waking Demona up. His powers would be returned to him today. I almost felt jealous of him. He'd get his powers back, while I never would. They weren't mine after all. They had been Demona's all along.

Stop it, I told myself, trying to focus on the witches that were trying to save my one and only love. Those powers aren't important. Demona is.

The air felt thick with excitement and magic. The feeling that something big was about to go down only increased when Cornelia and the other woman both grabbed one of Demona's feet. Their eyes closed, they said a few words in Latin. A soft white glow engulfed their hands, slowly moving up Demona's body. Soon, she was glowing like an angel.

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