Chapter 33 - Dylan

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Dylan's point of view

"Is that him?" I asked for the millionth time, glaring a guy across the bar, drinking a beer.

Sheila pushed me teasingly. "Lighten up, Dylan. I'll tell you when I see your nemesis. In the meantime, let's have some fun. I'm gonna get us some more beers and once we're drunk enough, we'll dance it out."

I glanced around awkwardly while she was gone, finding a spot against a far wall so I could observe the crowd. It was crazy busy in here and I seemed to be the only one dress in all black. There was gold, silver, sparkling dresses, skintight leather pants... I could see why Carl would come here to get over our break-up. This was everything he loved and more. He'd fit right in.

"Hey there."

I glanced to the side and saw a guy a few years older than me was leaning against the wall as well, giving me his most sultry smile. He looked just as plain as I did, wearing dark blue jeans and a simple green T-shirt, but he seemed more at ease in the crowd than I ever would. He had gorgeous green eyes and long brown hair that fell in a messy waterfall around his angular face. He wasn't as good-looking as Eros - who was still one of the most drop-dead gorgeous guys I'd ever seen - but he had something interesting about him.


Why was I even talking to him? I was here to get over Carl, to see who he'd slept with and to decide if I could get over that or not. I knew that Carl hadn't cheated on me. I knew that it was ridiculous that I was having such a hard time with this. If anything, I should be glad that Carl had somehow leveled the playing-field, since now we'd both messed up. The break-up was still my fault, but I felt like him sleeping with someone might actually make getting back together easier, because it showed that we were both capable of doing stupid things. Still, I'd have to decide if I could forgive him first. Even if I didn't have a right to be this mad, I was.

"You look like a first-timer," the guy said, moving closer so we could talk over the music. "Have you ever been in a gay bar before?"

"Once," I replied, remembering that weird night with Eros, Demona and Benjamin in Eros' Lounge. Not a good night for any of us, since I'd ended up being compelled to kiss Ben. It had almost broken up me and Carl. If we could survive that, why couldn't we just move on from this?

"You look like you want to disappear into that wall you're pressed up against." He smiled and his teeth were so white they almost blinded me. Surely that wasn't all natural. His lips were also too red to be real - was he wearing make-up? I'd never been into that, but it looked good on him, to be fair. Now that I was properly taking in his face, I could tell he also had on some eyeliner. I'd never consider using it myself, but I could see why he would. It made his already sparkling eyes pop even more. The longer I looked at him, the more beautiful he seemed to get.

"Dylan!" Sheila was back, looking from me to the other guy with wide eyes, a beer in both hands. "Dylan, what are you doing?"

"Hey, nice to see you again," the guy responded, moving away from me to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Is your friend Hope here too?"

"No, I'm here with my friend Dylan," she gestured to me, spilling half of my beer down her dress. She didn't even seem to notice. I'd never seen her so shell-shocked. What is that surprising that someone might talk to me in a bar?

"Dylan?" The guy laughed and tossed back his hair. "How funny, that's my name too!"

Looking from the sheer look of horror of Sheila's face to the gorgeous gay guy beaming at me, I finally made the connection.

"You're Dylan Daily?" I asked, my blood already boiling.

"You've already heard of me?" Dylan Daily wagged a finger at Sheila. "What did you tell him about me, Royce?"

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