Chapter 16 - Demona

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Demona's point of view

Never in my life had anything been this dark.

Or this empty.

No sound, no light, no nothing.

Before I'd had two bondmates, there had been quiet moments in my life, but never quite this still and spooky. I had no idea what time it was, whether it was night or day, how long ago I had last opened my eyes. How long it had been since I had touched another person. Heard the whisper of the wind, the ticking of the rain of the roof, he bell ringing to signal the start of a long school day. My favorite songs. Eros' loving voice, whispering dirty things in my ear.

Most of the time, I wasn't even aware that I was still alive. I guess I was sleeping most of the time. Unconscious. Knocked out completely.

Every so often, my mind stirred. Disorientation and pain engulfed me in those moments, making it hard to breathe. I tried to fight it, to open my eyes, to call out for Eros, for Simon, for my mother. No sound came out, not a single part of my body managed to move even an inch.

This time was no different. It was hard to say how long I 'awake' if that was the proper term for being conscious of the fact that you're locked in your own body.

After a few seconds of utter distress, I managed to fight through the feeling of my limbs burning and my throat aching long enough to realize that I couldn't feel Eros. He wasn't present in my mind, my heart, my body, my soul. His energy was not connecting with mine. I tried with all my mind to find him, but he was gone. Gone.

Oh God, is he dead? I felt my feet go numb just as it started to feel like my hair was on fire. Did I somehow kill him?

My thoughts went out to Simon next, but he was absent as well. No calming purple aura, no soft brush of energy, nothing.

Oh God, am I even alive? Did I die? Is this... hell? Is that why my body is burning like I'm a tree in the middle of a vicious forest fire?

Before I could decide whether I was alive or dead, darkness engulfed me once more, pulling me down into blissful nothingness.

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