Chapter 25 - Eros

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Author's note: 

- Please point out all mistakes in grammar and spelling. I'll be grateful for it, since I am currently not taking the time to reread my chapters before posting them. I'd rather give you frequent updates than fix every mistake before posting. Editing takes too much time right now.

- I hope you enjoy the chapter!! I surely enjoyed writing it.

- Please comment & vote to let me know what you think. :)

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Eros' point of view

"I promise I'll do whatever it takes to get you back," I whispered, sitting on the edge of Demona's bed. I wasn't sure if I was talking about gaining forgiveness for my kiss with Anne or about waking Demona up from her coma. Both were true anyway. I would do anything.

This week, I felt like I truly had made a difference already. Maybe not big enough to fix everything in our lives, but Demona had always said baby steps were something to be proud of. If I hadn't been stupid enough to exchange saliva with another girl, Demona would surely be proud of me right now. All week, I had been at my best.

Ellen and I had started making arrangement for me to move into her apartment. Tonight was going to be the first night that I would spent the night there. Ellen was spending the night at Noah's in Kansas City, so I'd be alone for my first night in my new home. We were both apprehensive to change anything, afraid Demona would feel like losing her home. Still, it was already starting to feel like home. It was better than the hospital at the very least.

Without even having to force myself to, I had called my mother to let her know my new address. She had been taken aback at first, but I swear there was pride in her voice. To my surprise, Todd had called me a few days later to tell me that he would love to buy me a house warming present if I would let him. Again, Mom and Todd were ignoring the fact that all my money was essentially theirs, since I had my own credit card that allowed me to buy whatever I needed. Still, it was a nice gesture. Besides, I was planning on stopping using the credit card anyway. As soon as I found a job, I was going to give it back and actually call them when I needed to borrow some money. I wasn't a charity case. Maybe this was what we all needed for me to become a son instead of a burden.

On top of that, I had taken a shower this morning – at Dylan's place, not in the hospital – was wearing brand new clothes that my mother had sent me and I was getting ready to leave with KTS to try and capture Ben. Things were looking up.

"Wow," a female voice sounded behind me. "You look good."

I turned around and saw Anne standing in the doorway.

"I mean..." She flushed bright red. "I didn't mean that you look handsome or anything, just that you look good, as in clean. Healthy."

My hopes for her and I interacting without awkwardness vanished in a second.

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