Chapter 41 - Simon

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If you see a mistake in spelling or grammar, please point it out to me, so I can fix it!

Enjoy the chapter!

Simon's point of view

Snuggling with my girlfriend had never felt this relaxed. I had enjoyed being with Sheila ever since that first time I'd realized she was more than just a friend, but Demona's coma had always been there in the back of my mind. I had always been checking to make sure Eros was doing okay, that I wasn't needed at the hospital, checking my phone to see if Dylan had called...

For the first time, I could just kiss Sheila without having to worry about anything. Demona was right there, in the back of my mind, making me feel better than I had in months.

"I'm so glad she woke up," Sheila told me between kisses. "You seem so... light. I never realized how tense you were before. I like this side of you." She bit my lip playfully, but she did it so hard that she drew blood. "Sorry!" she exclaimed, moving away from me to get a tissue. "Oh God, did I hurt you?"

The answer was yes, but I didn't want her to feel bad. "It's fine," I assured her, running my tongue over my lip and taking the tissue from her to wipe my face clean. "It'll heal soon enough."

She grunted and moved even further away from me, until she was sitting on the edge of her bed. I got up as well, scooting over so I was behind her and could put my arms around her.

"What are you worrying about?" I asked, trying to get a better feel of the cause for a her dark mood. I was getting better at reading her by examining what she was wishing for. It was a far cry from the bond I shared with Demona, but it did give me some more information. Right now, she was wishing that she could be a fairy like me.

"I love that you're a werewolf," I told her, kissing her neck. "You've got this strength to you, and not just physical. You're such a resilient person and part of that is the wolf in you. I wouldn't change a single thing about you."

She grunted, but didn't move away from me. "I hurt you."

"It's just a little blood on my lip," I tried to assure her. "No big deal."

"I bit you, I hit you, I threw you across the room," she summed up the night of her transformation. The marks of that night were still all over me: the bandage on my neck, the claw marks, the scrapes and bruises. "I hurt you, Simon. If Eros hadn't been there, I might have killed you."

"You're giving him too much credit," I said with a smile, kissing her neck again. "He was unconscious before I was. A vampire that hadn't transformed yet is no match for a changing wolf. The doctors were the ones to sedate you. All Eros and I did was keep you from biting Demona."

"Demona..." Sheila shuddered. "I could have killed her. She survived so much and then she almost died because I transformed in her room."

"She didn't die," I replied, keeping my tone soothing. "You didn't even touch her. The Trans is hard on anyone. Sam mauled her friends as well, including Dem, and no one blamed her. Dylan bit Demona when he changed. No one blamed him. And no one is blaming you. It's a normal part of being a supernatural."

Sheila just kept shaking her head. "When you change, it won't be like this. You'll just get sick and try to fulfill every wish in the vicinity. No danger to others. Why are you even with me?"

"Because I love you," I replied immediately. "Because you are a wonderful, funny, intelligent and strong girl who has been my rock for months. Because you get me out of my shell, more than anyone ever has. You get me out of my head and into the present. You're sexy, you know what you want and aren't afraid to do whatever it takes to get it. You're kind. You're a great kisser. You appreciate the little things I do for you, never taking anything for granted. You surprise me every single day. There's just never a dull moment with you. You don't care than I'm more than a year younger than you, even though most girls would." I drew her closer and buried my face in her hair for a second, taking in the smell. "You smell wonderful. You look great no matter what you wear and even better without any clothes on. You have the most incredible eyes. You have this tiny little beauty mark in your neck that just drives me insane..." I kissed it as soft and tender as I could. "You don't let your past define you. You are capable of change. You have the softest skin I've ever felt. You kiss like there's no tomorrow. You-"

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