Chapter 26 - Dylan

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Author's note: don't forget to tell me about all mistakes in grammar and spelling. I'll love you for it and fix it immediately.

 I'll love you for it and fix it immediately

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Dylan's point of view

Life. Is. Horrible.


What was the point of finding Benjamin without capturing him? Without it changing anything about Demona's situation?

What the hell was the point of falling in love when it always ended in heartbreak? When the person you loved didn't pick up the phone when you called, didn't respond to your texts and just plainly refused to talk to you.

Part of me felt guilty for being so focused on Carl instead of Eros. Honestly, my heart was aching so much that it was impossible not to think of Carl every single waking hour. And since I hardly slept at all, those were a hell of a lot of hours. I missed him more than I had expected – and I had expected to miss him like hell.

Technically, he was still my boyfriend. He'd never actually broken up with me, even though it sure felt like it. Part of me felt like I should just let it be for now. If I pushed too hard when things were still raw, he might end up dumping me before he could think straight. On the other hand, I wanted nothing more than to apologize over and over again. To show him that I could be the romantic, attentive boyfriend he deserved. The longer I waited to pursue him like crazy, the more likely he was to think that I didn't care anymore. And I did. I cared so much it scared me.

"You could send him a rose a day," Simon mused. "Just call a flower shop and have them deliver a rose to him every single day for a month."

"That's not a bad idea, actually."

Even though I felt bad that I needed someone's advice on how to get Carl back, I wasn't about to knock Simon's advice. He had showed up at my place around dinner time – technically, that would be breakfast time for him – with two pizza's and a few sodas.

"He's miserable as well, by the way," Simon told me between bites. "I've seen him in the hallways a few times. He keeps looking at me like he wants to ask me about you, but he never does."

I wasn't sure if I felt better or not. It was a good sign that he was having a hard time as well, although I hated that he was hurting.

"Is he still not responding to your texts?" Simon asked when he caught me looking at my phone. "You know what... Why don't you drive me back to school and I'll lure him outside so you can surprise him? I don't think he'll be able to say no to a conversation when he's face to face with you."

"Maybe..." I sighed. "I'm just not sure if it's not too early."

"Of course not." Simon took a gulp of his soda before getting up. "If he's not ready to talk, he'll say so and we can try again tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after that."

Supernatural Boarding School #3 - A Brush of Death ✅Where stories live. Discover now