Chapter 1

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After breakfast you checked the text Grace told you about.

It was actually an email.

'Such an idiot.'

Hello, this is the Ellen crew from The Ellen DeGeneres Show. We want to invite you for another interview and a prank on fans. There might be another star on with you, but we'll have to get more information on that. Please answer by Friday, August 10. If you do accept, we'll try and update you on any changes. Thank you, and goodbye.

You slapped Grace on the back of the head, "Stupid."

"Ow! What was that for?" She rubbed where you hit her.

"Because it was an email. You almost got me scared."

If it was your number, the person would've called. And if they called they would've asked who it is, and you would've answered "Y/N." Because that's what you always say.

Because no fans have found your number.

'I should really change that.'

You got ready for the day, putting on your usual, a black outfit.

You got ready for the day, putting on your usual, a black outfit

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"I think you might love black too much." Grace said to you as you walked out of your room.

"I'm gonna need you to shut up." You told her, making your way to the kitchen and grabbing an apple out of the fridge. "I'm out." You said as you walked out with the apple and a camera in hand.

You realized it was way too bright outside but ignored the urge to put on sunglasses, since you be going in the subway anyway.

When you got there, you were overwhelmed with the amount of people bustling around. Somewhere in the craziness, you put your mask on. And once you got past the traffic though, you waited for the next car to come to a stop.

There was a boy next to you, he looked like he was in his teens, next to him stood a little boy.

They silently stood next to you for a few minutes before the little one started talking. "Hey, are you The Masked Dancer?"

The older one quickly spoke up. "Sorry, my little brother's really annoying."

"He isn't annoying, he's actually adorable." You laughed out, seeing the little one perk up and take a breath to begin speaking again.

"Well my brother likes to dance, and he learned a bunch of the ones you put on YouTube. And I wanted him to show you, but he's too much of a scaredy-cat."

"Really?" You looked at the older one. "You should make a video and send it to me, I'm sure you're really good."

"Oh he is, and he said one day he's gonna marry you. And then he-"

The older one laughed nervously.
"Okay, Danny, don't give too much of our business out."

"Oh, well-" You noticed one of the cars came to a stop and the doors slid open. "Ah, I gotta go, bye!" You waved them goodbye and only caught a glimpse of the little boy waving back.

'That kid was adorable'
You reached your destination and looked for the perfect place to film. And after about 30 minutes of wandering, you found the perfect place.

 And after about 30 minutes of wandering, you found the perfect place

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'This is cute.'

While waiting for the music to download on your laptop, you set up the camera and connected the laptop to some speaker you brought. After getting everything ready, you began filming a new dance you choreographed.

It took you over an hour to get the right take, but the dance was definitely worth cooking in the sun. After filming, you made your way back home.


It was late when you arrived at the dance studio, probably around 10 o'clock. The shocking part wasn't that the door was left open, it was that there were three masked men standing in the middle of the room.

They were startled by your entrance, but one of them spoke up. "Uh, hello." He waved, he had a very thick accent, you couldn't tell where it was from though.

"Did I go to the wrong room? This is 1497 Hollywood Boulevard right?" You asked them, ready to walk out.

"Oh, no, I think we're in the wrong place, sorry ma'am." Another one spoke up, he was taller and also had an accent but not as thick as the first one.

"Can we take a picture with her?" You heard one of the whisper in Korean. You remained silent and let whoever was supposed to answer do their job.

"He's asking for a picture, do you mind?"

"Of course not, let's take a picture." You said.
Setting your bag down, you quickly walked to the three men. One of them pulled out their phone and said, "1, 2, 3, cheese!"

They checked the photo and nodded in approval, in response, you told them,
"Hey, you should send it to me."

"No problem." One of them said. "Oh and thank you for the picture."

"It's nothing." You shrugged.

As they walked out, they happily waved to you and went to the next room. After they left, you waited for Grace to show up, opening a large bag of chips in the process.

After half an hour, Grace ran in, breathless. "What's wrong with you?" You asked her.

"It's too late and," She paused to take in some air. "And we need to practice, for the-" By now her hand were on her knees "Those performances."

"You need to sit and drink water."

She nodded in response and stole a bottle of water from your bag, sitting and chugging in down.

You chuckled at her when you got a notification from Instagram, a dm. "Oh," you said to yourself. You checked it and froze, shock showing itself in your face. "You good there?" Grace asked you.

"No, I am not." You couldn't believe what you were looking at, it was the picture you'd just taken with the three unidentifiable men.

Sent by BTS.

Y'all the original chapter was absolute trash, so I updated it. Please do give me feedback, because that original chapter was just embarrassing. Alright I'm sleep, PEACE.

The Masked Dancer - A P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now