Chapter 9

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"Hey," Grace violently shook you awake. "Hey!" She yelled at you, confused, you opened your eyes, and tried looking at her. "The sun." You said. "Too bright."

"I'm not closing them."

"How did you get in my room? You don't have my card." You asked her, eyes tightly shut.

"Yeah I do." Grace took a pause, and you heard something light, you're guessing your card, hit the table. "You were so drunk you didn't want to sleep by yourself, something about a closet monster."

Your eyes finally adjusted to the painfully bright room, and your first look at Grace had you shocked. "Why are you dressed to go out?"

"Cause we're going out." She began pulling you out of bed by your legs. "C'mon, let's go. You smell like alcohol."

When you got to the bathroom, you look at your still red face. "How drunk was I?"

"I have a video of you about to make out with a pole before Jungkook stopped you and then you attacked his thigh."

"Oh that's not good." You gave a disgusted look to yourself in the mirror.

"Don't worry, I also have a video of Jungkook adopting you as his child."

"Are you serious?"

"I wish I wasn't."

In shame, you dragged your feet to the shower and brushed soon after. Not feeling like absolute shit when you were done. "Drink." Grace handed you a bottle of water before walking out of your hotel room.

You saw Brian waiting on the bench, an unfamiliar mask upon his face. "When did you get that?" You asked him.

"You went shopping with me yesterday, remember?"

"Dude!" You punched Grace. "You know I'm not supposed to use money when I'm drunk."

"Sorry, it was really entertaining." She shrugged at you. "But let's go." She wrapped an arm around Brian's elbow and walked off to the exit of the hotel.

"Where are we going?" You struggled to keep up, she was walking abnormally fast with Brian, who was perfectly matching Grace's pace. They seemed nervous, maybe even excited. "Can someone explain to me why we're so thrilled?"

"We're meeting some people." Grace didn't even turn her head around to look at you, instead she kept her eyes fixed on the door, particularly the car stopped in front of it.

You opened the door and followed after Grace in the car, "Seriously, where are we going?"

"I told you already." Throughout the whole 15 minute car ride, Grace didn't look at you once. Brian seemed a little too quiet and was zoned out, looking at his lap with a little too much concern.

"Hey," You tapped him, which made Brian jump in his seat. "You good?" You asked him.

"Y-yeah, um I'm good."

"Why are you stuttering?"

"You caught me off guard."

"Bullshit." You turned ahead to look at where the car was pulling into, a dance studio that looked new but empty. "You couldn't just fell me we're going to a studio?" You laughed out, expecting Grace to do the same, unfortunately she didn't.

"Alright, we're here."  The driver turned around and smiled at you. "Have a nice time."

You told him thanks and opened the door to get outside. Grace quickly got out and linked arms with Brian again, skipping toward a door on the side of the building, knocking on it as she approached it.

"Guys, they're here!" You heard someone scream through the door. And shortly after, you saw a beautifully bright Taehyung open and smile. "Hey." He held up a hand to high-five everyone entering.

Star-struck, you waved with wide eyes, and took little steps as you high-fived him. Letting Taehyung shut the door behind you, "I think it might rain soon, so you might have to stay here for a but longer than expected." He smiled. "But that's okay, cause we have lots of extra food and snacks."

You only nodded, shocked Taehyung was standing in a studio with you. Because you were unable to remove your eyes from his extremely handsome face, Jimin speaking behind you startled you so much you actually jumped. "Hi, I'm gonna be working with you, but Hoseok-hyung won't be here for another ten minutes."

"Oh, then Taehyung will be working with our friend here?" Grace put a hand on Brian's shoulder. Brian laughed, along with Jimin and Taehyung.

"No, but he should stay, I heard he's funny." Taehyung took Brian by his sleeve and dragged him to the corner.

"Taehyung won't be working at all, just us and Hoseok-hyung." Jimin told you guys, you nodded in understanding.


Exhausted and thirsty, you went out of the room with Grace to drink some, hiding behind some curtains. You heard Jungkook walk past, and his embarrassment from Namjoon. "Namjoon-hyung, please, delete the videos."

Trying your hardest to not laugh, Grace let out a sound that made both of them suddenly stop. You hit her, silently laughing.  Before they uncovered the curtains, you both put your masks on.

"Hi." You waved, and Jungkook looked at you and laughed. "Why're you laughing?" You asked.

"Grace said you tried kissing a pole."

"Namjoon told me you tried fucking the ground."


You both began walking toward the room you both were in. "We're still bestest friends, right?" Jungkook jokingly asked.

"Yeah, sure."

Filler chapter cause I have writer's block and I have no idea what to write. Also, again I'm being awareness to the George Floyd petition, it's in my bio thing and I made an announcement about it. Again, if you're reading this, sign, it's really important to me. You may think I'm being persistent but I won't shut up until a change is made. I'm gonna be honest I regret ignoring this ongoing problem before, but I made a promise that I won't do it again, and you should do the same. Alright peace.

The Masked Dancer - A P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now