Chapter 7

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The airport, in your opinion, is a place where God gathers up all the people that irritate you the most and let them annoy the living shit out of you.

The only good thing about this trip is that you'd be able to see your supporters, the ones you loved and the others you didn't.

You never like talking about them, but the supporters that love excessively touching you and Grace are horrible.

You just want to clear one thing up to them,

When permitted to touch, touch. Do not touch without permission.

And it may sound a bit petty, or that you have celebrity fever. But this rule goes for everyone. Famous or not.

But they seem to have no real boundaries, or respect for other people. And eventually you found yourself sprinting from fans across the airport to climb into a limo.

And of course, you all had your own bags with you, carrying clothes and heavy equipment for your performances in Seoul. All of that making it much more difficult to run fast enough.

When you got close enough, Brian put his hand out to get some of your bags to shove into the limo, aiding you and Grace's entry into the limo much more efficient.

You closed the door and asked the driver in Korean to drive off quickly.

"Now how fun was that?" Brian put his arm around Grace's shoulders, out of breath.

"Make another joke and I'll kill you." You could barely get that out of your mouth. "Is there water here?"

"You should get me a bottle too." Brian said with a smile, ruffling your hair.


You reached the hotel at sunset and let Brian talk to the lady at the front desk, he wanted to "practice his Korean."

She apparently couldn't find the rooms, and for 15 minutes you went back and forth arguing over what rooms you'd already booked. "Ma'am, I booked these rooms already. Please check again." You told her.

"What's the name?"

You wrote out the name for her and she typed it in, "Ah, here we go. The problem was that man," She pointed to Brian, who was standing behind you. "Spelled the name wrong. Here are your keys." She handed you the room keys with a smile.

You were too tired to hit Brian, so you just handed him his key and gave him a look. Obviously shocked, he widened his eyes and cautiously took his key.

Since the rooms were adjacent to each other, you all went into the elevator and dragged your feet and bags to your rooms, splitting off when you reached your doors. "Goodnight." You told them.

"Night." They said back.

You took a shower and drifted off to sleep in your bathrobe. But woke up to your phone ringing, it was already sunrise, and you didn't recognize the caller ID.

"Hello?" You said, fatigue showing through your voice.

"Hello, this is Masked Dancer, right?" A deep voice said in English.

"Who is this?"

"My name's Namjoon? I think we've briefly met before."

You sat in silent confusion, shocked on how someone else had obtained your personal number. "I found this on Jimin's phone and I heard you were in Seoul. I just wanted to ask you and Grace if you wanted to go eat out someday, maybe get a personal tour from a native?"

"Um, yeah. When?"

"I have an off-day today, are you good for maybe, 2?"

"Yeah, we're good. I have another friend with me, is it okay if he comes?"

"Of course! I'll bring some of my friends too." He chuckled, "Well, you have a good day, see you later!"


You checked the time, it was noon, so you'd be meeting Namjoon in two hours. Quickly, you went to Grace's room to tell her about the tour with Namjoon later. Grace answered after you knocked, "Hey right now isn't a good time, can you come-"

"Grace, this is pretty important."

She sighed and closed the door, opening it a few minutes later. "Come in."

You walked in to find Brian sitting on the table, drinking a water bottle. "Oh, you're here already?" You asked him.

"Yeah, um, Grace needed me for something."

You nodded, "Okay?" You walked to the table and took a seat next to Brian. "Namjoon invited us to have a meal with him and take a tour. It's at 2, so, do what you must before then." You eyed them suspiciously. "I'm just gonna," You walked toward the door. "Go." You closed the door behind you and waited for 2 to come.


You wore a casual black outfit with a mask.

You exited the hallway and saw Grace, but Brian was missing

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You exited the hallway and saw Grace, but Brian was missing. Concerned, you knocked on his door. And after he still wouldn't answer, Grace resorted to calling while you decided to bang.

When he opened the door, you saw him in sweatpants and a seemingly worn out t-shirt. "What are you doing?"

"I was sleeping but your calls," He pointed time Grace, "And your banging," He pointed to you. "Woke me up, so fuck you for that."

"Go get dressed." Grace told him, "And hurry up, it's already 2."

When Brian finally came out, you'd been sitting for 30 minutes and ready to cancel on Namjoon. "I should've went with just you." You told Grace.

"That's what I said 20 minutes ago, but now you have Kim Namjoon waiting for you." She leaned back and crossed her arms with frustration written all over her contorted face. "Idiot."

You rolled your eyes and looked at Brian, unimpressed. "Took you 30 minutes to put a T-shirt and sweatpants on?" You asked him.

"And a chain." He attempted reason with you, but you knew the look on your face screamed what you wanted to tell him, that he shouldn't have took that long.

Rolling your eyes and grabbing on to Grace, you walked away, arms linked to hers. Brian followed behind, constantly trying to reason with the two of you, who had silently agreed to give him the silent treatment.

It took me like a week to update the short chapter cause school got in the way AGAIN. But don't worry cause it's pretty much summer and now I can write more and be more productive, that might be hard though because I went to read a book here on Wattpad so I could start reading this other book here on Wattpad, and I have a list of animes to start watching. Plus I have to write a few other books (3 of which are still not published), and I'm also trying to start learning Korean again, because I've been watching some vids on YouTube and being an English teacher in Korea seems pretty fun. IM SO SERIOUS DO NOT CALL ME A KOREABOO I HAVE MY REASONS. Of course I'll be doing A LOT more research, and I already know of the pros and cons, and don't worry I'm not looking to find a Jeon Jungkook or Jung Jaehyun on the streets somewhere and become Y/N. It just seems like a good time that seems mostly wholesome, but of course I won't know EVERYTHING until I'm there, but that's a long time from now. Alrighty I'm out.

The Masked Dancer - A P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now