Chapter 5

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"Hold on, wait." Brian put his hands to his temples. "You're a psychology major?"

"That's not the important part!" You told him.

"Oh yeah, and Grace is Jackie."

"And I'm Masked Dancer."

"You dead ass?"

"I literally told you like 5 minutes ago."

"Yeah, but I don't really pay attention to stuff you say. Sometimes you just ramble on and on and on a-"

"Okay!" You interrupted. "I get it, but that's why I called you to my house today."

"Can I still hit it?"


"Well it was worth trying." He shrugged. "But can I go to Korea with you?"

"How did you know I'm going to Korea?"

"When I didn't know you were you, I kept up with tour dates, idiot."

"Fine." You got off of the couch. "Now we're gonna bake, okay?"

"I never agreed to this." Brian told you. "But I'm fine with taste testing." He leaned back on the couch with the most annoying grin you've ever seen.

"Get your ass up and help me with these brownies." And with that, he immediately stood to quickly walk to the kitchen. "And get the eggs out."

"Ok." Brian said with a sigh. "I have a question."

"Ask away, child."

"Seriously, just let me hit. Like, I'd be so incredibly happy if it was from the back."

"You disgust me." Brian put a pretzel, from a bag you didn't even notice was on the counter until now, in his mouth. You patted his hair. "I'm proud."

After putting another pretzel in his mouth, he left the kitchen with the middle finger up. Sitting on the couch and scrolling through his phone. "Holy shit." You heard him say. "Holy shit!" He repeated. "Holy fucking shit! Y/N come look at this!"

"What am I looking at?"

"Park Jimin just posted about your ugly ass, and look!"

You walked to the living room, the confusion in your mind expressed by your face. "Repeat that?" You asked Brian.

He shoved his phone in your face, showing a tweet from BTS. It was a selfie of you and Jimin. With the caption saying, "@maskeddancer I had so much fun, hope we could meet up sometime!"

"You gonna reply or make him look stupid?" Brian asked you.

"Watch the tone."

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were my mom."

"I'll beat you like I am."

"I'll shut up now."

"Yeah, I thought so."

You finally finished baking when Grace decided to watch T.V., since Brian was still over, you got a bag of family sized Doritos out and began eating.

"Hey can I go with you to Seoul?"

"Yeah, whatever." You said to shut him up, attempting to hear what the actor on screen was saying.


Ok so I'm up and on your welcome mat
Wake up
There's a fucking blizzard and I am freezing
It's -16° out here Y/N
So this is my end
Hol up lemme just freeze to death

I told you 4 A.M.
NOT 11 P.M.

As if you have any beauty
Now get the hell up and open the door for me

You rolled off of your twin sized bed and opened the door, he tried walking in, but you stopped him. "Why are you here?" You asked him.

"They're closing roads, so I figured I'd just sleep here."

"You're crazy." You turned on your heel and stomped to your room, there's no way you'd  go back to sleep now.

Grace was already up, she was washing her face in the bathroom to put on some mask that scared you every morning.

"Ok since I'm waiting for Grace, I'll just tell you what broke the internet this week."

"Did Doja Cat show her boobs?"

"Unfortunately, no." Brian signed out, sitting on the couch. "But every BTS fan is on this."

"Well, it's not Doha's boobs, but I'll suffice." You sat on a stool by the counter, still in your sweatpants and loose shirt that you considered pajajmas.

"So yesterday Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jin were on V-Live. So while Namjin was being Namjin in the corner, a question popped up about Jimin. Jungkook answered it and said this." Brian quickly pulled out his phone and showed you a 2 minute video.

"Oh Jimin? He tagged Masked Dancer in his tweet a few days ago. I think he really likes her, he wears his heart on his sleeve a lot. You should see how he looks at her videos. When we did that prank thing with her, he barely even talked, but looked at her almost the whole time. He's so weird." The video showed Jungkook laugh and continuing to eat his bowl of cereal.

"Cool?" You said in response.

"That's all you have to say?" Grace slapped the back of your head.

"I mean, what else am I supposed to say?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe, holy shit, Park Jimin likes me?" Brian told you.

You just scoffed and made your way to the bathroom.

When you finished showering, brushing, and controlling the messy thing on your head that can barely be considered hair, you came out of the bathroom and heard a girlish scream.

You immediately ran to see what the commotion was. "Who was screaming?"

"Brian." Grace pointed at him.

You laughed at how he screamed, barely being able to get your words out, "That was you?"

Brian looked down in embarrassment, then looked up, seeing the excitement in his eyes, you were a bit scared.

"He gave you his number and you didn't tell me?"

IM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE I HAD AN AP TEST AND I HAVE NEVER FAILED A TEST SO TRAGICALLY IN MY LIFE LIKE WTF COLLEGE BOARD. I'm actually so pissed though because I got these hard ass questions about mining and streams and sedimentation and there were people with FUCKING FOOD WEBS LIKE UGH. But I have like 3 other books I'm working on the same time as this one (two of them NCT so if you like them, you should read when I publish. Then other is Tae and it's already published but I ain't done, and I don't think anyone likes long updates) Anyway, I HAVE REVISED IT I HOPE ITS GOOD BYE BYE.

The Masked Dancer - A P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now