Chapter 22

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"You should've told me." Jimin said, standing by the door in your apartment.

"I know, I know. I have no balls, and I'm a coward, and I-"

"Shut up."


"I don't want to hear you insult yourself anymore. I had enough of that at the interview."

"I don't get what that's supposed to do to get me happy again?"

"You're not happy?"

"Uh, Jimin. I have my ex, in my apartment. Pretty sure I'm not gonna be the happiest person on Earth."

Jimin sighed and put his hand to the curve of your face, "You can't be the happiest person on Earth."

"Why not?"

"Because I already am."

You chuckled, "That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard come from your mouth, and that's saying a lot."

"You love my cheesy th-" His bright smile morphed into sad face. "You used to." He removed his hand from your face, but not before caressing your cheek.

"Jimin, I-"

"No, it's fine. I made a mistake, and you just said you forgave me in that interview so I don't get hate. I know you don't, you probably have someone else now."

"I don't, I st-"

"Please, if you try to let me down lightly it'll hurt even more."

"But Jimin-"

"Y/N didn't I already say that I can't deal with it, why continue? I get that I did wrong, but please, I'm begging you. Don't make it hurt more than it already does. I can't deal with th-" You cut him off with a kiss.

A/N: That was so cliche but I kinda like cliche so we're gonna keep it. Continuing on.

"You didn't want to shut up, so I had to."

"But Y/N,"

"No, be quiet. Let me talk now."

You pulled up a chair behind Jimin and he sat down, not taking his eyes off of you. "I still love you Jimin, I never stopped loving you. And even though you think that I somehow just forgot how great you are, I didn't. So don't think this is gonna be some sad love story where the boy messed up and the girl never forgives him again."

"But I said I hated you."

"You don't seem to hate me too much right now, do you?"


"That's good," You took his hand, "Wouldn't be very convenient if my boyfriend hated me."

"We're back together?" Jimin asked with a shocked face.

"You don't want to be back together?"

"Of course I do." He chuckled, then stood up to get close to you. He looked you in the eye, getting closer to your face. Then kissed you.

A/N: Warning, this next paragraph is pretty cringe.

The kiss was wasn't a quick peck that meant nothing, it was full of passion, love, want. It gave you a glimpse of what he really felt about you. Not just one emotion, but a mix of many that added up to the love you had for each other.

A/N: Told you it was cringey, should've listened to me.

Jimin pulled away first, taking in deep breaths and still looking at your eyes. "I love you." His voice was raspy, but still soft.

"I love you too."

"I guess we should tell them?"

Grace unlocked the door once he finished his sentence, she came in with a dog, a cat, and seven men. "Did you forget about the camera you set up, Y/N?"

You licked your lips and looked down. "Yes, I did. I really did. Now give me Sofie before I die of separation."

"Y/N!" Jimin put his hands up, "We've been apart for eight months!"

"Well me and Sofie have been apart for 48 hours. That's a lot, babe." You put your hands out for Grace to give her to you. Instead, she put her in Jimin's hands and smiled, "You could practically see the desperation in his eyes. Sorry, Y/N."

You shifted you glance to him and went for Sofie, he pulled back. "Nuh-uh, you're not getting her until you make your declaration of love to me."

A sigh escaped your mouth, "Grace," she hummed in response, "Get this live." She hurriedly took her phone out and tapped on it a few times, "Got it."

First, you gave it a little time, so the viewer count would get up. Then, you took Jimin by the shirt and kissed him once more, "We're dating, and it's not a hoax, not a stupid online ship, it's an actual relationship. Now please, everyone, tell him to give me my dog back."

He chuckled and handed you your dog, hugging you and placing lips to your forehead, "Okay, you get it back." He whispered in defeat.

"You do realize the live stream's still on, right?" Yoongi yelled from behind Grace.

"This is absolutely disgusting," Jungkook trailed off while taking the camera off of you two, making sure there was absolutely no glimpse of your displays of affection on the screen. "I apologize audience, you had to see something that almost made you barf." Taehyung said to the camera.

"And Y/N, I'm so sorry I assumed the wrong thing about you."

"It's nothing."

Taehyung ran to you with open arms, when he reached you, he wrapped his arms around yours and Jimin's bodies. Then Hoseok came, then Namjoon, then Seokjin, then Jungkook whilst screaming "Group hug!"

You all looked at Yoongi, who was now the only one not enveloped in the arms of his friends, "Fine." He quietly muttered whilst slowly walking toward your giant cluster of people, each hugging each other. He put his hands around what he could, which was only Brian and Grace.

"I love all of you guys." Jimin said, his speech was muffled by Taehyung's shirt.

"We love you too." Brian said.

The end.

LMAO I REVISED LIKE NONE OF THIS. I hope you like my book y'all. Bye byeeeeee


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