Chapter 14

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You fell asleep at the airport, since both Brian and Grace were so undeniably excited, they arrived way too early. You woke up when Yoongi tapped your leg, "Why do you have camera?" He asked.

Startled and not sure of what to say, only a "none of your business" slipped out your mouth. Seeing the rest of his group standing behind him, you quietly questioned him. "Do I have drool?"

"Yup." Yoongi only laughed, turning and walking toward the plane. You looked around you to not find Grace and Brian next to you, they probably left you alone, sleeping in an airport. Not really caring if anything was stolen, you made some distance between you and BTS to decrease the chances of public outrage, and walked to the plane after them.

After entering the plane, you only had a book and your phone to play downloaded music. And you found Grace and Brian playing around in their own row, as you passed them, you discreetly flicked Brian's forehead and sat in the row behind them. "Both of you suck." Was what you whispered before putting on a pair of headphones and opening the book.

It took 14 hours to get to Seoul.

3 hours of reading, 5 hours of sleeping, 2 hours of thinking, and 4 hours of messing with your friends in front of you. Way too many hours of complete boredom.

You hadn't used your legs in so long that when you initially got off the plane, you couldn't even walk correctly. Because you were tired, you almost thought you lost use of your legs.
"My legs, Grace." You told her in a half-asleep state, "I can't use them no more."

"Let's go." Grace said, flinging one of your arms around her shoulder. "I got her," Brian grunted as he picked you up and flung you over his shoulder. You three were causing attention as soon as you landed, but not as much attention as BTS, who you could tell was two seconds away from bursting in laughter.

Brian calmly walked across the airport with you over his shoulder, slipping off every few minutes. You didn't remember going into BTS' apartment, so you were very confused when Jimin was playing games with Jungkook on the bed you were laying on. "Hello?" You said, looking at the perfectly white sheet you were laying on. "Nice sheets."

"Yeah, you guys can ruin them later, we're playing games now." Jungkook told you, earning a punch on the arm from Jimin. "Ouch!" He grabbed his arm. "What was that for?" Jimin paused the game and turned to you, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. "Morning, princess." He turned back to Jungkook, punching him again. "You didn't properly greet my girlfriend."

"We're practically family now, right Y/N?"

"Sure, bestest friend."


Damn, you messed up, that was Masked Dancer who called him "bestest friend," not Y/N. Hopefully he didn't hear you, "Nothing." You told him as soon as you realized he'd been playing games.

"Oh, okay." He nodded and again put his full focus on the game, you exited the room and looked for Grace and Brian, but saw Namjoon on the couch. "Hey." He told you, watching the T.V. "Hi." You said in reply, "Where's Brian?"

"Brian? The muscular guy?" Namjoon asked, now turning his full attention to you. "I think he went out with the girl, I think her name was Gabby?"

"Grace." You corrected him. "It's Grace."

"Oh, sorry about that." Namjoon smiled at you. "They we're looking for you though, something about filming?"

"Oh," You realized what they needed you for, and you quickly went back into the room to look for your luggage, getting a change of clothes, and waking into the bathroom to take a shower to change. You snuck a mask in your sweatshirt pocket and you exited to find Jimin and Jungkook still playing games. "You guys are gonna go blind if you don't take a break."

"It's fine, my eyes have already gone to shit anyway." Jungkook shrugged while slashing a zombie's head off, and you soon realized how graphic the game could get when you saw another zombie in the background eating someone's insides. Uncomfortable from all the gore, you said goodbye to the three men in both rooms and walked out the front door, texting Grace as you walked down the corridor.

She told you that you'd all be meeting in downtown Seoul, right by a specific restaurant to start filming. You put the mask on in a private area and took a cab, trying your best to avoid the people attempting to approach you.

But you eventually reached them and filmed a little, by the time the sunset came you were required to go back to the boys' dorm. All of you took your masks off in, yet again, a private place and returned like normal.

But when you found only Jungkook sitting on the couch, "You still looking at screens?" You asked him, laughing.

"I know who you are."

Yooooo, so if you're reading this in 2020, there's gonna be a blackout for the Black Lives Matter movement. Originally it was supposed to change your profile picture to the black fist to show support, but I just learned that some poc find it offensive when non poc use the black fist, so I think I might change it to blank screen. It's on June 22-26 and on the last day please post nothing but awareness, links, names of victims, whatever you think helps.

Please continue to read, vote, comment, and most importantly, enjoy!!

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