Chapter 12

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Jimin rushed backwards, covering his lips and cheeks, which were all red from his adorable blush. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know if you wanted to, I kinda just did it and-" You cut him off.  "Hey, hey," You only smiled. "I liked it."

A grin slowly formed, Jimin steadily paced his way back toward you, only stopping when he was just up against you. "I like you."

The front door opened and Grace took a heavy step inside, moving her head from one side to the other. Once she reached the kitchen, she pointed to Jimin. "You."

"Me?" He turned, puzzled about the situation.

"You owe me a bacon, egg, and cheese." Her finger stayed up, and her intimidating eye contact remained. "I am starving."

You only looked at Grace with a look that said, "We were having a moment here!" But she completely ignored it, even after looking at you multiple times.

"This is Grace," Jimin turned to you, "She was pretty crabby that day."

"Oh," Jimin said. "Ohh," He turned and faced Grace. "Nice to meet you, Grace. I was just about to get you another sandwich." Based on his tone you could tell he was uncomfortable, so you did the only thing you could think of,

You dragged him out of the house.

When you returned home with Grace and Brian's fresh sandwiches, they looked at you as if you were a stranger who's somehow walked into their house. "Is there something wrong?" You asked them, but they only looked at you in shock for another 30 seconds before Brian began. "You're smiling."

"I always smile." You defended.

"Not like this." He pointed out, outstretching arms to get food. "What happen, did you get some?"


"Did you or did you not perform the process of-"

"No! No I didn't, please never ask that question again."

Grace emerged from the bathroom with only a towel, walking across the property to her room. "She had a moment with Jimin." She said as she passed by, Brian checking her out.

Instead of replying to Grace's statement, you got up and slapped his neck. "Why would you do that?" He grabbed it.

"Cause you checked out my best friend, you creep."

"She's your best friend? What happened the one day I didn't show up to class again?"

"Well I ended up screwing myself over, so thanks for that."

"No," Brian got up out of his chair, walking towards you and crossing his arms. "You got to kiss Jimin, which is a good thing."

You quickly nodded your head, "Yeah, it is a good thing." But thoughts soon overtook your brain. "Is it a good thing?"

WHEN I TELL YOU THIS IS THE SHORTEST CHAPTER I HAVE EVER WRITTEN I AM PROBABLY LYING, idk why this less than 500 word plot take so damn long to revise. But I apologize this chapter was boring, I meant for it to be a filler chapter, and it kinda is, but if I'm gonna be honest, it isn't. Soooo yeah.

The Masked Dancer - A P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now