Chapter 10

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After a few short weeks in South Korea, you were finally mask-free, which felt great, but you were also in class, which didn't.

"...And that's why in Korea your age will always be one or two years older than your age here." Your teacher said in a monotone that made you want to sleep. Hell, her voice was so incredibly tiring that it was a hazard to allow you to drive after this class.

Usually, you'd be kept awake by something concerning Brian, which included but wasn't limited to, flirting with anyone, providing comedic relief, and joyfully making you self conscious through jokes. But he decided he had the brilliant idea to eat sushi that he described as "funny smelling."

"What an idiot," You whispered to yourself when you thought back to when Brian had spammed you about how he didn't trust the raw fish, yet he'd eat it anyway.

"Have something to share with the class, Y/N?" Your professor interrupted the lesson to single you out, you didn't think anyone would've heard, but apparently her boring voice improved her bat-like hearing.


"I heard something alone the lines of, 'what an idiot' come out your mouth? I know it wasn't directed toward me."

"No, ma'am, I would nev-"

"So who were you talking about?"

"No one, it's just-"

"I don't get paid to get called an idiot in my own class. You may leave and come back when you can be respectful." She said with a sarcastic smile, extending her arm toward the door. "Bye." She waved at you with her other hand.

And with much shame, you collected your things and walked out of the class.

Your back facing the exit, you stuck up the middle finger to door that kept you away from the class you paid for. Not knowing what to do, you called Grace, and when she didn't answer, you called Brian.

"Hello?" He said with a scratchy voice.

"I know you're throwing up and probably dying right now, but let's go get food."

"I got food poisoning and you want to go and get more food with me?" You stayed silent, knowing that he knew that you'd say yes. "Come pick me up at your place." His smile was detectable through his lightened voice.

"Good," You were about to end the call. "Wait, why are you at my apartment?" The line went silent. "Brian?" No answer, "Brian? Hello?" You checked your phone to discover he'd already ended the call.

'What a dick.'

You took a calming drive back to your apartment and unlocked the door to discover Brian on your couch, surrounded in a sea of empty snack packages and water bottles. He turned around, a pale, sweaty face giving you a tired smile. "Hey," He moved his head and immediately grabbed the couch under him, seemingly looking for support. "I'm dizzy, haha."

"Yeah, you're not going anywhere." You set your keys down on the counter and made your way to the couch, intending to clean up, but instead you got hit by the intense scent of stinky, not bathed, Brian. "But the shower, you smell disgusting."

"Yeah," He chuckled a bit. "I've been throwing up all day."

"And you're cleaning the bathroom tomorrow."

"What?!" He quickly sat up, but you could see and feel the regret in him doing that, his shocked expression faltered and he was yet again grabbing the couch. "I don't even live here."

"You got in like you do."

"You're not wrong about that."

And with an already damaged dignity and mask, you got to cleaning.


"I'm guessing I don't have to clean tomorrow?" Brian said in a tone that sounded much better than this morning. You sat next to him, exhausted. "I spent hours cleaning because you ate sushi you knew was bad." He only smiled at you. "If the bacteria doesn't kill you, I definitely will."

"What if I get us some bacon, egg, and cheese?" Brian reached for his conveniently placed wallet and handed it to you. Confused, you only looked at the wallet and not at Brian. "If you're getting the bacon, egg, and cheese, why're you handing me the wallet?"

"I am dying here, you trust me to go all the way to the bodega to get it?" You looked up at him and found a pouty face.

"That's the ugliest face I've ever seen."

"I'll never make it again if you get the bacon, egg, and cheese."

You sighed, thinking of the tempting deal. "Fine."

And yet again, with a dying dignity and fatigued demeanor, you walked out of the door to get you and Brian some food.

In the bodega, your phone rang, a call from Grace. "What?"

"Well damn you sound mad."

"Brian's an annoying bitch."

"You guys are more alike than I thought." Her slick smirk was audible through her tone.

"Grace, I will end this call right now and block you."

"Alright, fine." She breathed before speaking again. "Get me some tampons."

"How do you know I'm at the store?"

"I just do, and get me a bacon, egg, and cheese at the bodega."

"Brian told you, didn't he?" You asked her.

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter, get me tampons."

"Yeah, okay." You sighed and ended the call, making the order and eventually getting your three bacon, egg and cheeses. Then walking out and into another store that actually had what Grace needed.

Upon waiting in line, you heard a familiar voice talking in Korean.

"Namjoon-hyung, really, I woke up and the chicken nugget just ended up on your boob, I didn't put it there."

"If someone understands you I'll murder you three times over." The other said in reply. "Next time you leave a half-eaten chicken nugget on me, at least take the buffalo sauce off of it first."

"You know what, I'll make it up to you, I'll get you a bag of chips or something." He began turning around, but didn't watch out for you behind him, leading to the destined smashing of your sandwiches. "Oh, shit." He quietly said to himself.

"Ah, it's fine, everything's fine." You told him.

"You speak Korean?" He loudly exclaimed, earning the attention of Namjoon. "Wait, that doesn't matter. Let's go buy you some new sandwiches." A magnificent smile graced his face, immediately lifting all of your spirits and getting lost in those beautiful teeth, and the eyes that smiled with him.

Damn was he fine.

"Hello?" He snapped you out of your trance, allowing you to be aware of your surrounding again. "Oh, uh, it's fine. Bodega's closed anyway."

"Oh, that sucks." His uplifting face turned into a troubled one. Then his face lit up, he got an idea. "What if I gave you my number? I'm here for a bit longer, and maybe we could get the sandwiches together some other time?"

Damn he was smooth too, absolutely irresistible. You took out your phone and let him type in his own number, staring in awe as his fingers typed away at the screen, putting in his name and number. "Text me when you can." Another grin came to his face as he handed you back your phone. "Oh," He bent down and handed you a box of tampons.

Fucking tampons.

"You dropped this." He chuckled a bit before turning back around and standing silently next to Namjoon.

This is a filler chapter but it isn't at the same time? But it's revised and I'm happy, the plot is actually now making some changes so I have to revise quickly before I confuse a bunch of people.

Also, I want to do a black out on Wattpad, in support of Black Lives Matter. I tried messaging bigger authors, but they haven't answered yet. I hope they do, cause a lot of people use here l, why not use the platform to spread awareness?

The Masked Dancer - A P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now