Chapter 21

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"Hey," Grace sat you down on the couch. "I wanna tell you something."

You were concerned, scared, and interesting all at the same time. And you sat down in compliance.

"You've been doing really well after that whole overdose thing and I think we should just come clean to you now." Grace told you.

"Come clean?"

"We're dating." Brian came from another room, sitting next to Grace. "We've been dating for a little bit now."


"Yeah." Grace held his hand.

"What about Larry and Bob?" You caught yourself, "Oh, Bob." You pointed to Brian, "Larry?"

"Made up."

"Nice one." You nodded, but you had to come clean to them too. "Well I'm gonna tell everyone who I am."

"As in the fans?" Brian asked, and you nodded in response. "When?" He asked.

"That interview thing." You told him. "The one next week."


You never knew a crowd of only a few hundred people could look so huge. Maybe it was the nerves, or your brain, but something was making you nervous, and it wasn't the upcoming questions.

The fan meeting was first, and throughout meeting so many fans, you've been second-guessing yourself. But you planned it, and Grace even decided to join in.

"Masked Dancer to the stage! Masked Dancer to the stage in 2 minutes!"

"Fuck it." You told yourself, getting ready to walk on the stage. You eventually came up with the idea to just rip it off whenever you can, when the attention's on you and you wouldn't be interrupting a thing.

"Get ready fans, we've delivered this just for you, your favorites all on one stage. Please welcome Masked Dancer and BTS!"

You walked on the stage, waving to fans and smiling, even though they couldn't see it. Because you were walking alongside BTS, you felt Jimin poke your side and smile at you, and  you also felt your heart break.

The crowd quieted down, then the interviewer began talking again. "Before we begin, would you guys like to say something?"

Namjoon began before you, saying thanks to his fans and ARMY and how they're always working hard for them.

This was the moment, where you'll be making headlines by tonight. You saw fans already recording, hoping to just catch a few meaningful words said by their idols.

"This is getting a bit itchy," You muttered to yourself before slowly removing the black mask with a bear design on it. When you finished balling it up and putting it in your pocket, you looked up at the crowd, their shocked faces were prominent, and the gasps were pretty intense. You felt Jimin's gaze on you, but ignored it.

"This is pretty intense, and extra. But, this explains a lot." Grace was standing on the side of the stage, mask removed and a huge smile prominent. "This is me." You said to the audience, turning and sitting down on the chairs provided to you.

Even though the feel of the room was tense and awkward, the interview continued.

The questions overall were basic, questions heard in pretty much every interview. Until one question popped up, "Any recent relationships?"

"Actually, yes."

"Oh, how's it doing now?"

"We're broken up now."

"Aw, what happened?"

"He lives with his friends, and I was talking with his friend about my stresses over my one life and the other, and how I should tell him. Which was stupid because I could've just said it, but I wasn't ready. And the wrong things were heard in the next room by someone, he told my ex and we broke up. But I guess now the situation's clear, hopefully."

The interviewer made a funny pouty face, "Do you miss him?"

"Of course I do, he was the best boyfriend you could ever have. He was adorable and loving and serious when he wanted to, but sometimes he acted like a baby, in a good way. I think about him a lot, but realize that I'm probably not gonna get him back."

"So how did the break up affect you?"

"I eventually ended up the hospital, for a drug overdose I don't even remember. Something about I took too many anti-depressants and I passed out and hit my head." The crowd gasped and you only awkwardly nodded. "But that was weeks ago, I'm fine now." You said with a smile.


Thank you for reading this whole mess of a book, I hope you liked it, I hope you commented and voted. Ummm byeeee

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