Chapter 13

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You and Jimin had gone on a few dates now, and you quickly realized being around him wasn't so uncomfortable.

The way he smiled at you, the way he talked in that adorably calming voice, sometimes even the way he looked at you had you flustered until you were on the verge of heart attack.

One time, you both were on your sofa, watching a movie, and he took your hand and held it. You could've sworn you almost passed out from the blood not circulating to your brain.

Jimin has you whipped for him, and there were no complaints from you.

"Hey," He smiled at you, your hand in his, walking down the dimly lit street.

"Hey." You followed his expression.

"Tomorrow's my last day here." Jimin stated, and you came to a sudden halt. Overwhelmed with shock and realization, you stood silent.

"Y/N?" Jimin looked at you with worry-filled eyes. "What's wrong?" He stepped in front of you.


"I don't believe you." He laughed, "You sure you don't wanna talk about it?"

"Everything's okay."

"Well you can tell me about that over the phone." A sad smile overtook his face. "Tomorrow I'll be busy, so I won't be able to see you."

"Oh that sucks."

"Yeah, but hey, I liked the little dates." Jimin laughed, immediately cheering you up from your short-lived slump. "And we could go on more when I come back."

"Will that be soon?" You asked him.

"I don't know, but I think you should keep an eye out for me." You found yourself in front of of your apartment, realizing you had to go home, you let out a huge groan.

"Do I have to go?" A pout appeared on your face.

"You're adorable, but yes, you have to." Jimin knocked on the door for you.

"What if you came with me? And we could just watch T.V. all night."

"I'm busy tomorrow." The door opened, and there stood Grace. She was wearing a suspiciously wide smile, and on wore a bathrobe. "C'mon," she said to you, grabbing your other hand and pulling you from Jimin. "Bye, Jimin!"

"B-" The door closed before he could finish the word.

You stood in your living room, confused, while Grace paced back and forth, nibbling her fingernails, and looking at nothing but the floor. "Dude," She didn't answer, "Hello?" She only continued her actions, "Grace!"

She stopped, "Yeah?"

"What are you so anxious about?" You approached her, and found the free edges of her nails unevenly bitten off. "Your nails," You looked up at her to see her eyes widened at you. "Are you okay?"

Grace quickly nodded her head, "I'm good," You examined her, she was taking shallow breaths, her eyes were so wide they could've popped out, and her hands were shaking. "Did someone attack you or something?"

"No, no I got problems though."

"Put clothes on," You led her to her room, "I'll go make some hot chocolate, and then I'll just wait on the couch, okay?"

She nodded her head and closed the door behind her. Letting out a sigh, you made your way to the kitchen and got out the milk and coco powder.

Grace exited the room 15 minutes later to find a spread of quick snacks you made, she was visibly calmer, and even chuckled a little. "What is this?"

The Masked Dancer - A P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now