Chapter 19

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It was another day, you were focused on schoolwork, there were finals soon and you intended to pass.

"Ah, Y/N , you're still trapped in that room? It's been almost like 7 months since you guys broke up, get out and eat something solid for once." Brian called out to you from the kitchen, you smelt chicken, baked.

"Um, no, I'm not hungry."

"Well at least come out, your favorite show's on."

'But usually,'

"Seriously Brian?"

"Yeah, Dancing with the stars' on the T.V."

You slowly walked out and plopped on the couch next to Grace, who had a bowl of popcorn and seemed surprised at your presence. "Almost forgot you existed." She smiled and offered you popcorn.

"Shut up."

"Y/N, I know you just got out of your room prison, but can you please get us some coke?" Brian came from the kitchen to sit next to Grace.

"The drug or the drink?"

"Put the drug in the drink."

"Brian!" Geace slapped his arm, "Seriously?"

"I'm just kidding, but please go to that store we love." He looked at you with puppy eyes before forcing Grace to join in.

"Okay, fine, fine. Just please, stop doing those creepy eyes, disgusting."

They both chuckled before sending you back into your room, collecting a coat and scarf.

Grace practically pushed you out the door to get you walking to the convenience store. When you arrived, you found the drink and purchased it, rushing out as quickly as you rushed in.

On your way back to the apartment, you saw a familiar face, Jungkook.


"Huh-oh, Y/N. Hey."

"You seem pretty cold."


"Do you guys have like a performance here or something?"

"Yeah, but,"

"But what?"

Jungkook took a deep breath before beginning, "It's Jimin, we're all really concerned for him." You only made tilted your head, letting him continue. "He still thinks you slept with Namjoon, and he's more depressed than mad now."


"Yeah." But before the conversation can turn into a complete awkward flop, Jungkook began again. "You seem to be doing well, nothing troubling you?"

"No, everything's great." After completing that sentence, you quickly walked back home, to your small tiny apartment.

Entering, some snow blew in. After closing the door and looking up from the wood floor, you met Brian's gaze with your own. "What happened?" Brian asked you.

"Nothing," You told them, shaking your head. "Nothing." And you have them to two liter bottle and continued to watch Dancing with the Stars

I JUST REACHED 100 FOLLOWERS THANK YOU AHHHHHHHH. WOOOHOOOOOO, anyway this chapter is revised. Hope you enjoyed, please continue to read and vote and comment and enjoy and yeah

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