Chapter 2

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It took a few long, grueling hours to get all 3 dances done. But after ball the hard work was over with, you decided you'd reply to Ellen's email.

"You're saying yes?" Grace asked from across the room.

"What else can I say? She's Ellen." You said while typing on your phone.

"Makes sense." Grace approached you and perked at your screen, waiting so you can finally exit and go home.

After sending your carefully crafted response, you walked out with Grace, quickly going into her car with your head facing down.

You opened your apartment door to hear Sophie, your puppy, bark loudly and jump on you in excitement. "Shhh," You held your finger to your lips to quiet her down.

Sophie ran to her bed to sleep. Grace stuck up the middle finger to her when she passed. "It's a dog, Grace. Not your ex."

"I'd take my ex over Sophie any day." She said as she left the room. "Cats are better!" Was what she yelled to you from the bathroom.

You took a long shower and put on your pajamas, sloppily brushing and passing out on your bed.


When your alarm clock went off, it only felt like you just closed your eyes. But there wasn't a way to ignore the constant, annoying beeping that took you out of your slumber. The only thing you could do was cope.

So that's exactly what you did, tiredly climbing out of bed, you stomped to the bathroom with a towel in hand.

'School should go extinct.'

When you got out of the bathroom, your eyes had cleared up a bit, and you were only somewhat aware of your surroundings. So when you saw Grace's cat, Tiger, prowling around on the counter, you screamed because you couldn't recognize it.

Tiger was startled and almost fell off the counter, but she was a cat, so she landed on her feet. When she came around to look at you, she let out a growl and walked away.

"You think I like you? You feline bitch."

"Curse at my cat again and I'll skin you alive." Grace startled you from behind.

"You stuck the middle finger up to my dog!"

"Your dog sucks, my cat is tolerable."

"Damn, you and your cat are bitches." You said as you walked away, hoping she heard you.

You got dressed in this.

You arrived and spotted your only friend at school, Brian, talking to a lot of girls

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You arrived and spotted your only friend at school, Brian, talking to a lot of girls. Some of them touched his arm, or his abdomen, it was really obvious they were interested. But it always amazes you how oblivious he was to all of the flirting.

"Brian!" You yelled and waved to get his attention, you saw him look around in confusion, then spot you and end his conversation.

When he approached you, you began. "You dating any of those girls?"

"Hell no. None of them want any."

"You're literally such an imbecile." You flicked his temple. "They were flirting."

"Wait, really?"

"How did you get into Harvard?"

"Simple," he looked ahead at the building you'd be walking in. "Cause I'm smarter than you." He ran into the building, prompting you to chase after him.

Ms. Young was startled by the two people rushing past her and into her Korean Studies classroom. She checked the time and waited for 9:30 to come.

When it did, she closed the door behind her and begun talking. "Alright class, today isn't gonna be too much work, we'll just be going over the trip, for those of you going. For everyone else there are a few worksheets here, you can do them on paper or online. I don't really care what else you do."

You nodded to yourself and checked your phone for any texts, and as per usual, nothing. "I can't wait to go, Korea's gonna be so cool. I can go to one of the skincare shop things there, cause I heard they would like examine your skin and give you the right products. And who knows? My face might need it." Brian was very excited for this trip, and whenever he was excited he'd go on and on about it.

"Dude, you went last semester." You replied.

"I know but this time we're going to Seoul! Last time we went to Jeju island."

"Are they really that different? They're both cities."

"One is an island, the other is an inland city. That's like saying L.A. is the same as Seattle cause they're both in America."

"Good analogy."

"This is why I say I'm much smarter than you."

"Hey Brian." You didn't know who said that, so you turned to see Kate, someone in the class you weren't the fondest of, she didn't like you much either. But she was very fond of Brian, so fond that they almost had sex during the break between semesters.

If you were being honest, it disgusted you, but it also wasn't your business. This was all between Brian and Kate, and he seemed to be happy, so you remained silent during their endless flirting.

It was when she sat on his lap you felt like you were interrupting a moment there. So you quietly got up and exited the room, there was no one else that you talk to, and you weren't going to sit around and wait for Brian's lap to free up to have a conversation with him.

You looked for a vending machine, but came to no avail, so you just looked like a lost student walking through a mostly empty campus.

"Dude!" Brian yelled out to you. You turned around and saw him running. "What the fuck man?"


"You left?"

"My only friend was occupied." You gave him a sarcastic smile.

"You're not allowed to do that again."

"Why not?"

"Because when we were done kissing you disappeared, and I got scared."

"Scared of what?"

"You're little, it wouldn't be hard for someone to take you." Brian said, in response, you gave him the middle finger. "I'm just kidding, but have you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Jimin and Masked Dancer, there's some dating rumor."

You laughed, "What?"

"They both posted selfies of each other, and they both seemed excited."

"So because they posted a picture they're now dating?" You asked him.

"Well, no, but-"

"Does she even speak Korean?" You asked him.

"I don't know. But what I do know is that she has a body, and I would hit."

"You disgust me." You laughed out.

I finally updated this one too, I hope you guys like it, and keep reading!

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