Chapter 16

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After the very date you'd promised Jungkook to tell Jimin, you decided you were an idiot. Why? Well wasn't it obvious?

You didn't tell Jimin.

It wasn't even a big deal, just admit that you'd been lying to him all this time and you've been both his friend and his girlfriend and possibly confuse the living hell out of him. Then there's questions and trust broken and many other things it can lead to.

But nothing too big.

You ultimately found yourself on the couch, alone in the dorm, downing a bottle of champagne.

The bubbly substance did wonders to your worries, dissolving them more and more and you drank through the container. Your mind didn't feel drunk, but based on the amount you've already swallowed, it was impressive you hadn't passed out.

You felt a hand tap you, even though you'd expected to be alone, to I clearly weren't, and Namjoon was standing behind you to prove that. "You good?"

"Wow Namjoon, you're so nice." You tapped his cheek and took another sip of champagne, finishing the bottle. "Shit," You cursed to yourself, walking to the kitchen to look for some more alcohol.

"You're slurring your words," Namjoon said, and you almost fell against the counter, but you caught yourself. "And you're stumbling."


"You're drunk."

"And what does that matter to you?" You turned and playfully tapped his nose. "Now show me where the alcohol is."

"Not before you tell me why you're drinking so much."

"You don't wanna know."

"I do." Namjoon turned and went into his room, leaving you confused in the kitchen. "Are you coming?"

"Oh." You went after Namjoon, going into his room and sitting on his bed.

You took in a deep breath, "Well, first thing's first, I'm masked dancer."

Namjoon didn't look surprised, "That's not hard to figure out."

"What?" Could you not keep a secret? How did both Namjoon and Jungkook figure this out in a matter of a week?

"All the outfits matched up to the photos online," Namjoon looked at his phone. "Twitter blew up when they found out you were here and they took a lot of pictures, then you came home with the same outfit."


"It's fine, I just have a really good memory, no one else figured that out."

You took in a deep breath, "So the dancer part of me is good friends with you guys, right?"


"And Jungkook figured out who I am a few days ago."


"And he told me that if I don't tell Jimin, he'll tell Jimin."

"Which is worse because it breaks whatever trust you guys have." Namjoon said. "And you can't tell him yourself because that also breaks trust."


"You need to tell him." Namjoon propped himself on his arms

"I know." You only looked down, not even able to keep eye contact with him

"If you hold it off for any longer, he'll lose more trust in y-"

"I said, I know, Namjoon. He won't trust me anymore and we'll break up because he'll lead himself on to believe that I'm keeping more from him. But I can't tell him now, he's not ready for all of that yet."

"I don't think you're ready for all of that."

You sighed, "You're right, but I can't do it, not right now."

"I could tell him for you."

"No! Namjoon, don't, please."

"It's not that hard."

"Namjoon," you groaned, "please."

He tightened his lips and nodded, "But if you don't tell him before you leave, I'll do it myself."

You rolled your eyes and began walking to the kitchen, Namjoon only followed after you and asked what you're doing, "I'm getting wine, I think I saw a bottle somewhere here..." You found the bottle and placed it on the counter, closing the cabinet and grabbing it to get the cork screw.

"No, no more."

"Yes, more."

He tried prying your finger off of the bottle, but came to no avail. "Why is your grip so tight?" Eventually, he took your wrist in his large hands. "Why is your hand so big?" You replied.

He gave up with a grunt, "Stop drinking, you'll be an alcoholic."

You sucked your teeth and went to Jimin's bedroom, laying on the bed and immediately falling asleep.


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