Chapter 6

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"I'm gonna need you to repeat that real quick?"

"Jimin, of BTS, has given you his number. And you refused to tell me." Brian told you.

"Give me that." You snatched the slip of paper out of his hands, and there it was, Jimin's name with a phone number written directly under it. "This has to be fake."

"I saw him slip it into your jacket pocket." Grace said from the kitchen. "But I thought you were smart enough to notice."

"She isn't." Brian said, earning a high-five from Grace.

You stood in the middle of the living room, staring at the paper. Was this actually his number? "Are you gonna go and try calling?" Grace asked you.

You just ran to your room to collect your phone and ran back into the living room, dialing the number and putting it on speaker.


You were too shocked to answer, it sounded like Jimin, was it really Jimin?

"Hello? Anyone there?"

You were too frozen to answer, so Brian took the phone out of your hands and began talking.

"Hello, this is masked dancer's phone. Someone gave her this number not that long ago and we're just making sure we're not calling a stalker or anything. We assume you gave her this number?" Your jaw dropped at Brian's impressively stable voice.

"Yes sir."

"And who are you?"

"Oh, sorry, Park Jimin of BTS. Seoul, South Korea."

"Thank you, I'll inform her that it's you. Have a nice day, Jimin."

"Thank you, you too, goodbye."

The call ended.

"Why didn't you answer?" Grace hit your back , you rubbed it out of pain. "Cause it was weird."

"What was weird? He gave you the number."

You rolled your eyes and went into your room. After closing the door, you got a text from the number you called earlier.

Was that you who called earlier?

Yeah, sorry
Did I weird you out or anything?

No it's nothing
I just thought you would be the one answering instead of your bodyguard

Sorry about that

Again, It's nothing

Why'd you give me your number?

It wasn't me
Jungkook gave me a slip of paper and told me to give it to you
I didn't check it so I had no idea it was my number
And now here I am texting you

Well at least now you wouldn't have to tag me to get my attention

Who said it was for your attention?
I mean it was but how did you know that?

Doesn't matter

Well I gotta go practice now
Have a nice day

You too

After that short conversation, you couldn't stop smiling.

'I just texted Park Jimin.'

It was almost impossible to get that stupid smile off of your face.


Grace barged in the room and told you to make sure everything was ok, you'd be going to the airport soon.

It's vital to know that you absolutely hated airports, you disliked everything about them. How dirty they were, how shit the food is, the amount of people, how they made everyone stressed for no reason. Airports were hell on Earth, and you struggled more than before to understand why Grace was always so excited to go.

While checking your bags, you overheard Brian and Grace talking, they seemed oddly close, as if they knew each other before. But you brushed it off and continued to make sure everything was okay.

Finding an extra mask for Brian, you walked into the living room and handed it to him. "Why exactly do I need this?" He asked you.

"You're helping us keep our identities a secret." You pointed to you and Grace, she nodded in agreement and he looked at both of you before putting on the mask.

"Alright, are we ready to go?" Grace asked.

"Yeah, let's go." Brian walked toward the door with his bags in hand.

OOH IM FEELING PRODUCTIVE I REVISED 2 CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY AND PUBLISHED ANOTHER CHAPTER ON MY OTHER BOOK, A BITCH IS WORKING HARD. Anyways, I hope you somewhat enjoyed this boring chapter, but I started to hint at a few things that I'll be changing throughout the book, so I hope you caught on to that. Please do keep reading, it really does get good.

The Masked Dancer - A P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now