Chapter 20

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You woke up in a hospital, again.

Honestly, it almost felt like a second home, you were there every other week. One week malnutrition, the next too much alcohol, the next for feeling lethargic. One visit after another, and unfortunately, they were regular.

Brian and Grace blamed this on the break up, in their words, you've been overworking yourself. Not focusing on anything else important, like your wellbeing.

"You never sleep because you're either practicing for performances or working on an assignment." Grace told you once.

But this time was different, you didn't wake to an empty room, the space taken up with things normally in a hospital room with food and drinks by your side on a table. Instead, you woke with something in your mouth, intravenous needles poking into your skin, and countless pieces of equipment and tubes sticking out of your body.

You could only move your eyes, and saw Grace sleeping against Brian's shoulder, Brian having tears come out his eyes.

You began to move around, making noises, very confused and panicking. But you only saw Brian press a button before multiple people came in the room and held you down, and putting something in your IV. One started counting backwards from ten, and the numbered lowered along with your consciousness before you fully passed out.

You woke up again when a tear fell on your arm, specifically Grace's. Brian called the doctor again, but this time he didn't come with nurses to assist him to put you on more anesthetics.

There were no more tubes in your mouth, but only an IV in your arm. "You look absolutely horrible." Grace chuckled out.

"What happened?" You said, your voice was lost, and you had a throbbing headache. Brian looked back at Grace before telling you, "You had a drug overdose."

"Overdose? Of what?"

"Those anti-depressants that doctor gave you. You were only supposed to take two a day, instead you took six throughout the night. The doctors think it's a suicide attempt."

You shook your head to the left and right, "No, you guys know me, I wouldn't do it."

"The doctors don't, they're gonna come and question you."

"Maybe I just thought more medicine would make me happier."

"Hey, it's okay." Brian placed his hand on your arm, "Just answer the doctors."

You quietly said "Okay." And patiently waited for a doctor to come in.

She entered with a smile decorating her face, as if nothing was wrong, but you could see he concern she tried to hide on her face in her eyes.


"That's me."

"I'm here just to ask some questions, that alright with you?" You only nodded in response. Her voice was soothing, it calmed you down easily as she asked simple questions. "From what you last remember, how did you feel?"

"Alright I guess, tired, a bit sad, but mainly tired."

To each answer you gave, she gave a nod and slight hum. The sound of the pen hitting the passer and clipboard echoed through the room. She didn't ask anymore questions after the few already asked.

"How did I end up here?"

"The doctors believe you had a drug overdose, but at the same time your lethargic tendencies came into play. It was due to your overdose that you passed out for a split second, but due to your lethargy that you couldn't quickly recover and gain your balance before falling and hitting your head on your bathroom sink. The impact caused you to pass out again. Grace said she found you in the bathroom and immediately called 911."


"You've been out for a few weeks now, about eight?"


The doctor nodded her head, before she can finish her sentence, you asked more questions, "Why did they give me all that stuff?"

"IV's clean out your system of the drugs."

"I want to leave." You stated.



You found yourself in your apartment, stuck in your thoughts. Biting into a Twix bar and scheduling an interview with a talk show, you made a decision.

You were gonna reveal yourself.

This IS REVISED YAYYYYY. This book is coming to an end guys, so I think we know what that means.


I have this other book, "Lethal" I don't have much up at the moment but as soon as I'm done revising this, you best believe I'm writing in that book.

I actually really like the plot, I'm not sure if it'll turn out well though cause that's the first book I've ever planned out. But you should read cause either way I like, so yeah.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I also hope you enjoy the next ones, byeeeee

The Masked Dancer - A P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now