Chapter 8

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"I'm so sorry, Namjoon, I'll never be late again. My friend was taking too long and-"

"It's fine." Namjoon laughed at your apology to him. Brian was lucky it was fine, because you wouldn't hesitate to skin him alive if it wasn't. "My friends are over there, let's go." He smiled at you, pointing to a table so far away that you could only see the amount of people sitting around it, but you couldn't identify who they were. When you got closer, you recognized who sat there.

Smiling and taking in the sunlight, Hoseok and Jungkook sat peacefully in their chairs. "Hola." Hoseok playfully dragged on once he saw you, leaving Jungkook to only a wave to greet you. "Hello." You bowed to them and they laughed.

"It's okay, you don't have to be so formal, you know." Namjoon put a hand on your back. "Just relax, we're friends now."

Friends? With BTS? You weren't sure if you were dreaming, but if you were there was no way you'd wake up now.

"C'mon, let's eat a little before we go." Jungkook patted on a chair next to him, where Grace sat and Brian next to her, you found yourself sitting adjacent to Namjoon not too long after. Looking on the menu, you realized this was a fried chicken restaurant, because of the theme, there weren't many choices of main dishes.

"Chicken and beer, the perfect thing to get us all comfy." Hoseok said with a wide smile. "Right, Ms. Dancer?" He turned to you, expecting and immediate answer. But you were to focused on figuring out what the hell some drink was on the menu, it had "ale" at the end of it, but you couldn't understand the first part. "Huh?" You asked him, still not paying attention.

"You need some help?" Jungkook asked you, placing his hand in front of him to receive the menu you had in your hand. "Actually, yes please." You laughed out, pointing out the unknown word to the older.

"That means ginger." Namjoon spoke up in English.

"Oh, thanks." You produced an awkward smile to present on your face, but remembered they couldn't see how inept you were feeling at the moment. And let out a big sigh, thankfully taking the menu back from Jungkook.

Grace poked your thigh with her sharp nail, and whispered. "Relax, freak." Realizing why they were especially friendly to you, you replied. "Was is that obvious?"

"Yes." She almost laughed.

You leaned back, thinking nothing but "oh shit," and about how bad they must've felt for you.

'They must think I'm pathetic.'

So you stayed silent, and watched Brian joke around with the people he looked up to. Even though you couldn't see his face, you knew he was the happiest man on Earth, his smile could practically be heard through his tone.

So you let him be, maybe you'll gain an opportunity to jump in conversation later, for now you'd just eat and drink.


Drunk and laughing your ass off, you walked the streets of Korea singing songs you couldn't put a name to with Jungkook. His previously ran cheeks have no taken on a bit of a red color, and so have his lips.

"You," you laughed out, pointing at his nose. "You are so nice, Jungkook."

"You too, Ms. Dancer sir." He poked your nose through your mask.

Before speaking, you took in a huge gasp. "Hey, Jungkook."


"Don't tell anyone okay?"

"Don't tell anyone what?" He began skipping, forcing yo to do the same to catch up.

"I think, you're my bestest friend ever."

He placed a hand over his mouth, "Thank you." He dramatically said, sounding as if tears were started to well up. "I want a hug." He told you, arms stretched out.

"Of course, best friend." You stretches your arms out, identical to his. Put no matter how far you were leaning in, you two never hugged. "Holy shit Jungkook did I pass through you?" You asked, your drunkenness slurring your speech.

Grace POV

They are air hugging, why are they air hugging.

"Holy shit Jungkook did I pass through you?" Y/N's confusion made the rest of us laugh, she wasn't moving, at all. They actually stood in the middle of a street, arms stretched out toward each other, but no literal contact.

"They look like when you try making two dolls hug." Namjoon told the rest of us, causing us to laugh loudly through the virtually empty street.

"So how was the tour?" Namjoon asked me.

"You mean when we got drunk and then you showed us cool stuff we'd never remember?"

Namjoon chuckled, an adorable dimple showing itself on his cheek. "It's a different experience when you're drunk."

"Oh so that's your excuse?" Hoseok told him, then tapped on me. "Hey, I have a question."


"Masked Dancer, she's open to working with anyone, right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"And so are you?"

"Pretty much." I shrugged. "Why?"

"We should do all do something, I'll give you my number and we can plan everything out. That's fine, right?" He took out his phone, "Only if you're all fine with it, of course."

Alright, I finally revised another chapter. Everything's chaotic right now, and I get really anxious so it takes pretty long to do all that I'm attempting to do at the moment. Also, I'd like to bring light to George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement. Both subjects are very important to me, and honestly if you don't support justice for George Floyd you can go ahead and go read a book other than this one. I like reads, but not supporting justice for George Floyd is blatant racism. And if you don't know please do your research, I've made an announcement on my page that had a petition to sign for justice for George Floyd, please sign it, it's a right step towards a better future, not only for black people, but for all minorities. Anyway, have a nice day if you're reading this. I'll be revising the next chapter right now :)

The Masked Dancer - A P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now