Chapter 17

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You woke up in Jimin's bed, you flinched at first, not knowing where you were, but it became familiar as the surroundings became more clear.

Your head hurt like a bitch, and the throbbing pain wasn't very tolerable. So you only laid in the bed, not really wanting to do much else.

'Damn I'm a hot mess.'

But you realized you had to do something, so you got up before realizing you were in Jimin's clothes. Smiling to yourself, you walked around the house, looking for your boyfriend.


You found a smiling Jimin on the couch, he was watching a drama and hadn't noticed you yet.

"Hey." You kissed Jimin on the cheek and sat down beside him, you caught a second of Taehyung giving you a look. But you ignored it and changed continued to laugh with Jimin at the drama.

After about 5 minutes Taehyung got up with a big sigh, "Tae, what's wrong?" Jimin asked him. He shook his head, "Nothing serious."

It seemed late, so you checked the rooms and figured out that it was midnight, "Wow it's late, shouldn't you go to sleep?" You told Jimin.

"Nah, I'm not tired anyway."

"Jimin, you need your rest."

"Fine, one more episode." You only chuckled at him, leaving him to his drama and checking the fridge for a drink. You ultimately found a smoothie Jin had made for everyone. As you were pouring it in a cup, Namjoon walked in the kitchen to take a boxed juice in the fridge. Shortly after, Seokjin walked in and scoffed, "Did I say you could get some of that?"

"But, you said I could get some any-"

"Well maybe it changed, why don't you start respecting people, hm?"


As Jin turned on his heel, he harshly whispered something, "Can't believe you."

When he exited kitchen, you turned to Namjoon, "Is he in a bad mood or something?"

He shook his head, "I don't think so." You could visibly see him thinking, "I'll go investigate." He turned around and following after Seokjin.

You decided not to tell Jimin about Seokjin's odd encounter until tomorrow, he needed his sleep and didn't need to worry about his friend being mad at his girlfriend.

You went to check on Jimin to see if he was truly keeping his promises on "one more episode," he was just finishing it before getting up and going into his room. Then you walked back into the kitchen to wash the cup in your hand. While in the kitchen, you found Hoseok and Yoongi talking, they seemed fine, so you assumed it was just Taehyung and Seokjin acting odd, but when they turned to you their faves quickly said they weren't fine.

When Hoseok turned around, his bright smile turned into a look of anger, and Yoongi's into a look of disgust.

"Hello to you too." You slightly bowed your head and slowly walked past them. They didn't respond, but instead angrily walked from the kitchen.

"What's with them?" Jimin came from behind you and hugged your body.

"No idea."

"Why don't we take your advice and go to sleep?" He kissed your cheek, then neck.

"Yeah, sleep's nice." You nodded your head and followed a Jimin to his room, eventually falling back asleep.

When you woke up, you got cleaned up and walked into the living room to see Jimin with a face full of disgust and anger, and a scared Taehyung behind him.

"Hey, what happened baby? Are y-"

"Don't 'baby' me."

"Woah, what happened?"

"Bullshit, you know what happened. How could you not tell me? How could you do that to me?" At the sound of these words, the rest of BTS, along with Grace and Brian came out of their rooms.

You wondered if her found out who you were, but it didn't make sense why he'd be this mad. You'd expected questions, not anger.

"Wait, I'm lost, what did she do?" Namjoon was the only one asking questions, everyone else seemed so sure of the cause.

Jimin seemed to ignore Namjoon's question, "Pack your bags, get the fuck out of my house."

"Hyung, I want to talk to you later." Jimin never took his eyes off of you, and you can see him crying. "Grace and Brian, please, stay as long as you want. I'm sure you guys would never want to stay with a slut."

You guessed he didn't find out about your other persona, so what else could he be mad about? You hid nothing else from him.

"Slut?" You asked, Jimin only nodded. "Is someone not gonna explain? Because I'm really confused on why my boyfriend is calling me a slut."

"Yeah, so am I, you should be respecting women, Jimin." Namjoon spoke up.

"Yeah, can you just tell us what happened? Cause I go wherever Y/N goes." Grace said.

"And I go wherever Grace goes." Brian wrapped an arm around her shoulder, weighing her down.

Taehyung spoke up, still looking shy. "Did you sleep with Namjoon-hyung?"

IM SO SORRY I SWEAR IT'LL GET GOOD EVENTUALLY. I originally revised because I thought the drama happened all too fast, and I think I'm doing it again, so don't worry, I won't make everything so fast paced cause I don't like it much either.

Please read, comment, vote, and enjoy :)

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