Chapter 4

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"Don't act dumb, Y/N. You heard me."

"How?" You sat on the couch, mask hanging on to your fingers.

Grace pulled up a post by a fan, which had already went viral. And there it was, a blurry, horribly lit, photo of you drinking water. "They said they snuck backstage and saw you drinking water from afar." You came up with no response. "How could you be so reckless?" Grace asked you. "You know how important it is to-" She took a deep breath before continuing.

"Look," she put her hands on her hips. "You slipped up, don't do it again."

You only nodded your head. "I didn't hear an okay." Grace said to you.

"Okay." You repeated.

You went to sleep upset, whenever Grace scolded you it felt like you let down your own mother. But you understood her point, even if it was a bad quality picture and no one would know what you look like from that, that slip up could lead to much more, until everyone pieces together what you really look like. Then you would never be able to have your life completely in control again, and losing that control was your worst fear.

Grace knew that, and that's why she was so upset that you're the one that messed up. She wasn't mad, just disappointed.

You woke up to breakfast on the table. "Huh?" You said, confused.

"I got breakfast." Grace walked in, "Yesterday sucked."

You laughed, "I get it, you're scary when you're mad."

"I know, now go shower," she pulled you up. "And brush too, your morning breath is nasty."

You checked the time, it was 4 A.M., there was no reason to wake up this early. "Wait, no, I'm going back to sleep."

"Why would you do that?" Grace asked.

"Do you not see the time?"

"Yeah, we need to eat and get to Ellen by 6, so hurry up."

"Oh, shit." You forgot about that, the picture and Grace left you too stunned to remember anything else. After that, you just wanted to go home and hide under your sheets. "She said she has a surprise for us."

"Ellen is weirdly cool." Grace said.

"Not weirdly, she just is." You said from the bathroom, putting toothpaste on your brush.


"So here's how it's gonna go." Ellen stood in the middle of the bakery. "There's a room in the back, you can see all the cameras and everything. It's disguised as an employee bathroom. Fans come in we ask a few questions, you come out, simple surprises, yes?"

You and Grace nodded, "So when are we starting?"

"Right now." You and Grace stood there, very confused. "That means go in the back." Ellen made the gesture to shoo you away into the disguised room.

When you walked in, you saw three computers next to each other, a few pairs of headphones, two empty chairs, and a taken seat.

"Hi." The man sitting on the chair waved to you. "I'm Kevin."

"Hey Kevin." Grace waved. "I'm guessing we sit there?"

Kevin excitedly nodded, tapping on the seats next to him. Once you two sat down next to him he began talking, "So these are the monitors to the hidden cameras, to hear what their saying just put on the headphones." You and Grace attentively nodded, not taking your eyes off the monitors.

Then they walked in, the first batch of fans.

They were surprised by Ellen's appearance, and her welcoming them to sit down. "You guys want something to eat?" She said, having some of nod. "I think I have some food in the back, hold on." She ran to the room you and Grace were in and pulled you two out.

"Here we have," She pulled the two of you into sight. "Some dancers, but I'm sure there's better."

You waved and heard them scream in shock. "Hello." You said.

"Hi." One of them told you, obviously very nervous.

You reached out for a handshake and got a trembling hand, you took a firm grip and shook it.

That situation repeated several times with different groups, until Ellen made the announcement that there would only be one group left. You and Grace quickly went to the hidden room, where you both sat down and looked at the monitors to see who would be coming. You and Grace could only watch for about 30 seconds before the monitor went dark, and you couldn't see what the cameras were seeing.

"What happened?" You asked, but got no answer. "Kevin?"

He looked lost. "I-I don't know, this never happens."

"Should I go check with Ellen?" Grace asked, already getting up and walking toward the door.

"Um, no the fans are probably out there and you'd ruin the surprise." Kevin said.

"Oh, ok." You nodded, waiting for Ellen to come in at any moment now. But both you and Grace sat there, staring at the door Ellen was supposed to open.

"Where is she?" Grace asked.

Kevin shrugged his shoulders, "No idea."

"I'm going." You said, Grace following behind you. You opened the door, walked through the short hallway, and looked around to see a completely empty bakery. "What?" You said to yourself. There were no camera men, no directors, and no Ellen. "Ellen?" You called out.


You jumped to look behind you, and there stood Ellen, alongside BTS. "You're a huge fan, right?"

You put your hand up to to heart, "I'm gonna have a heart attack."

"Well, duh, BTS is right there." She lightly poked Namjoon's arm.

"No, you scared me really bad." You told her. Grace put her hand on your back. "She's a bit of a pussy."

"I brought you two together because you both are my friends, and now I want my friends to be friends." Ellen said.

"Okay." You laughed out.

The Masked Dancer - A P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now