Chapter 3

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Brian invited you to go to the pool, you texted Grace to come, but you remembered she'd be staying at school a bit longer today.

Because you didn't have a swimsuit on you, and Brian knew it'd take too long to get one, so he took you to a store and you bought this.

Because you didn't have a swimsuit on you, and Brian knew it'd take too long to get one, so he took you to a store and you bought this

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Once you got to his house, you went into the bathroom and changed into the bikini. You expected Brian to be in the kitchen, or maybe already in the pool, but to your surprise, you saw countless amounts of people everywhere.

"BRIAN!" You yelled, not too long after you saw him slowly come out of the pool, eyes glued to the ground. You let him stand in front of you for a minute before you began. "You never told me this was a party." You covered your stomach, "If I knew, I would've worn something that doesn't show so much."

"But you never come to parties, unless it's my birthday." Brian wasn't wrong, you never went to his parties, and for good reasons too.

Everyone who's ever attended his parties have always ended up drunk, high, or regretting whoever they had sex with. And you refused to be any of that.

"You got shorts?" You asked him, "I wanna cover up."

"I do but you aren't using them."

"You're a bitch."

"And you look great, so go talk to some guys, find a boyfriend, maybe finally have sex." He stepped behind you and started pushing you.

"I've had sex before!" You told him.

"Also learn how to properly lie, you suck at it."

"Suck a dick, Brian."

"No, you're doing that to some guy here, not me."

By the end of the party you were sure you never wanted to talk to a guy again. They were all different levels of irritating, except one who just stood and couldn't keep eye contact for 5 seconds before nervously laughing and looking someplace else.

One tried touching too much, so you flipped him off and walked away. Another bragged so much about himself that you had to say you needed to use the bathroom to politely leave the conversation. And one just told you, "Hey, there's a bedroom upstairs, let's go make out."

You were sitting on the couch when Brian approached you. "So how was it?"

"I didn't like it, at all. And I'm never looking for a boyfriend ever again."

Brian laughed at your harsh comment, "Well, at least you tried, that's good, right?"

"Yeah, sure." You stared at the floor for a moment, thinking about all that happened. "Hey I'm not gonna be here for a little bit."

"How long is a little bit?" He asked.

"I don't know, maybe a week?"


"I'm going on a trip, so don't have too much fun with Kate." You joked.


"Why is California so hot?" You asked Grace.

"You can figure that out yourself." She said with a smile on her face. "But you need a shower, I don't think Ellen likes stinky people."

Somewhat offended, you turned to the direction of the hotel and walked through the entrance, trying to slyly smell your armpits.

You put this on before exiting the hotel.

"Good luck!" Grace yelled to you before you closed the door behind you

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"Good luck!" Grace yelled to you before you closed the door behind you. Quickly running to the parking lot, you almost tripped on a plant in the lobby.

There was a van waiting for you, "Thank you." Was what you said to the driver as you climbed in, all you got was a wide smile back.

It didn't take long to get to the Ellen studio, nor did it take long for them to start filming live. You didn't even have time to calm your nerves before Ellen was jokingly asking you to take your mask off.

"No," you laughed. "It's not the prettiest under here."

Ellen continued, "You will be coming back tomorrow, right?"

"Yes." You nodded.

"To surprise the fans?"

"Yes?" You said slowly, very confused on why she was repeating the already planned schedule. 

"We have a little surprise planned for you."

"For today?" You asked.

"No, but tomorrow yes." You heard the crowd laugh, while you were left in confusion.

"Wait, but if it was for tomorrow, why would you tell me today?"

"So you could look forward to it tomorrow."

"Wouldn't a surprise be better if the victim didn't know about it?" You asked.

"You ask way too many questions." She said, making both you and the crowd laugh. "Okay." You told her, still confused but also amused.

"Alright, so we have to go to commercial break. And after this we'll be playing a pool game with Justin Timberlake!" She yelled to the camera.

Once the commercials began, the crew began to move the set around, asking you all to relocate so it was easier.

You listened and traveled backstage, getting quite thirsty. You looked for a private corner to drink the bottle of water in your hand, and found the perfect spot.

You quickly took a drink of water and put your mask back on, turning around to make sure no one was watching.

You returned to the hotel to see an angry Grace staring at her phone. "Are you okay?" You asked.


"What happened?"

"You almost got caught."

I sincerely apologize for the trash chapter. I tried my best I can but my writing sucks ass now, but it's all good I'll try to make it better over the course of the book.

The Masked Dancer - A P.JM FFWhere stories live. Discover now