Chapter Fourteen

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One Month Later

It was the day before Shawn's first show in NYC. Me, Shawn, Mel, Shawn's parents and sister were all at a fancy restaurant to celebrate this amazing event. We had just ordered our food and sat at our table talking. 
"So Shawn," Aalyiah (Nickname is A, Al or Ally) "What does it feel like to be going on tour?"
"It feels strange Al." He smiled at his little sister. "amazing but strange"
"What are your plans after tour then?" Manuel asked
"I know that me and Kylie are only 23 but we want to get married and have a family." He said holding my hand
"Yeah, I mean I think I have got the one, you know? I can not picture myself with anyone except Shawn. And I really want us to start a family." I smiled
"I don't feel like I am ready just yet to be a dad though." Shawn said. 
"What? Why not?" Ally said. My face dropped and my eyes began to water. Why is Shawn not ready? What am I going to do? And how am I going to tell him that I am pregnant?
"Because I want to be involved in my son or daughters life. I don't want to be on tour or busy when it happens. I want to see them take their first steps and say their first word. I want to be there to help Ky." Shawn Said. He looked up at me and saw me biting my cheek while trying to hold my tears in.
"I-I need to go the the bathroom, I will be right back." I said, standing up and walking off.

When I entered the bathroom, I walked straight into the cubicle and began to cry.  I sat on the closed toilet lid and put my head in my hands. What am I going to do about my baby? Will Shawn leave me? 
Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear Aaliyah walk in until she softly called my name. "Kylie, Ky, Ky please." 
I opened the toilet lid, threw in the tissue and flushed it. I wiped my eyes and walked out to see Aaliyah leaning on the sinks, facing the mirrors. When she saw me, she spun around and wrapped me in her arms. 

"Hey, Hey. Don't cry. What's up? Why did you leave?" She said
"I-It's Nothing" I lied
"Kylie" She said
"Fine, You can not tell anyone. Not even your brother. Promise?" I said
"Promise!" She said "Now spill the beans"
"I am pregnant" I said
"OMG YAY!" She screamed. 
"Shhhh!" I said and we both laughed. 
"You need to tell Shawn." She said
"I know. But he said he isn't ready to be a dad" I said
"You know what he his like Kylie. He says one thing and disagrees with himself. He is going to be so exited. I know it!" She smiled hugging me again. "If you want, you can head to the car and I will tell Shawn that the food from the flight this morning has made you sick. Then you can both go back to your hotel room and you can tell him."
"Okay. Thank you Ally" I smiled and hugged her. 
"It is okay! That is what sister in-laws are for!" She said laughing before walking out.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked to the car and got in. Moments later, Shawn came running out from the restaurant and jumped in the car. 

"Princess, are you okay?" He said concerned.
"Yeah, I could be better though."
"Do you need anything?" He said
"I just need to sleep I think." I said
"Okay, let's go back to the hotel." He said gently squeezing my hand.

When we arrived, Shawn carried me up to our room and gently placed me on the sofa.
"Shawn" I called
"Yes baby?" Shawn said running in and sitting next to me. "What's up."
"We need to talk." I said
"Whats up? Are you okay?" He said paniced
"Okay just hear me out. And before you worry, I don't plan on breaking up with you." I softly smiled.
"Thank God!" He said relieved. "Princess, whats going on? Why did you almost cry at dinner?"
"I don't want you to be mad okay? And if you are not ready then that is fine. But I think it is time. If you want to break up with me then that is okay." I said crying
"What? Baby, why would I ever break up with you?" He said
"Because I am pregnant Shawn." I said.
"What?!" Shawn Yelled and stood up.
"Shawn I am so so sorry. I know your no-" I got interrupted by Shawn
"Kylie that is fucking AMAZING!" He yelled and began to cry. "I am going to be a dad?"
"Yeah. I thought you were not ready though." I said confused
"I am not ready, and I don't think you are either but we have a good few months to prepare." He said smiling
"What about your tour?" I said
"I will put back the dates for a few months." he said "I wan to be there for you Kylie. But I won't always be able to be there and that already makes me a terrible dad."
"No it doesn't! When are you going and finishing in Europe?"
"I go in 5 months are there for 2 why?"
"I will be 8 months pregnant by then. But I will be okay. I have my brothers in LA and my parents in New Jersey. We will figure it out baby I promise."
"I can not wait for us to have a famiy!" He smiled and hugged me before kissing my stomach. 

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