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Three week later...

I woke up wrapped in Shawn's arms. Our naked bodies were tangled in the sheets and I smiled as I saw Shawn's hair, strands of it still matted to his forehead from last night. We were moving house today so that there was more room for the triplets.Oh yeah, turns out we are having two girls and a boy instead of twins. I snuggled into Shawn's bare chest and felt his hands slowly tighten his grip around me. He moved his head so that his chin was resting on my head and I felt him smile. 
"Good morning princess" He smiled looking down at me.
"Good Morning babe" I replied with a smiled. 
"You okay?" He asked me, his fingertips brushing down my spine, making me shiver. 
"Yeah I'm actually really happy." I replied and kissed his jaw.
He kissed my forehead and said "my mom is going to come and get India so we can start packing the house up."
"Okay I'll go get her ready." I smiled and went to get out of bed.
"No princess, stay here. Rest for you and the babies because today is gonna be really busy." He smiled at me and ran his fingers through my hair, "Let me go get her. I have missed waking her up and spending time with her." 
"Okay." I smiled and watched him walk out to get India. I got out of the bed and followed him. As I stood in India's doorway, I saw him knelt next to her bed. 

"Good morning India!" He spoke softly to her as she began to stir.
"Dadda!" She said happily when she saw Shawn.
"Hi Princess! Guess who is coming today?" I watched as he spoke to India. He is such a good father to her and I am so lucky to have him in my life. I walked into the room and went into her closet. I picked out some leggings and a top for her and then I packed some spare clothes into a little backpack along with her toys. The doorbell rang and I went downstairs to let Shawn's mom in. 

"Hi Karen" I smiled as I opened the door
"Hello Kylie! You look fabulous!" She placed her hand on my stomach and gave me a hug
"Shawn is upstairs getting India dressed cause she has just woken up." I continued, "Here is a bag with her stuff! Thank you for letting her stay at yours while we pack the house up and move!" 
"It's a pleasure Kylie! She is always super well behaved and it's lovely to spend time with our granddaughter!" She replied, "Plus Aaliyah loves to see her"
Shawn walked downstairs holding India, who was yawning. 
"Hey Mom!" Shawn smiled "Here she is"
He handed India to his mom and we said goodbye to her before she left.

When she had gone, me and Shawn went upstairs and got changed I put on my black maternity jeans with one of Shawn's grey hoodies. Shawn put on some black jeans and a navy blue hoodie.

We got into Shawn's car and drove to a bunch of stores to buy lots of big cardboard boxes to pack our stuff into and a load of bubble wrap to protect the fragile things. After around an hour we had enough boxes and we drove home. 

We started in the living room. I started to get the cushions off the sofa and chairs and out them into a box. I saw Shawn talking all of the framed photos off the wall and bubble wrapping them before putting them into another box. I taped up the box and wrote CUSHIONS/PILLOWS on the side before moving it into the empty garage. 
"You know," Shawn sighed, "I don't think we ever fufiled our promise"
"And what was that babe?" I laughed, unfolding a new box. 
"Don't you remember?" He teased, "When we first moved here, what did I say to you?"
"I don't-. Oh I remember." I giggled, "Shawn we can't. We have stuff to do. And besides we have already done it practically everywhere"
"But we haven't though." He whined, "We said we'd have sex in EVERY room of the house. I believe we missed a few rooms"
"My god stop being so horny" I laughed, "We need to pack, we don't have time. And besides I'm pregnant with three kids, I don't have the energy."
"So you're not going to have sex with me?" He pouted
"Oh shut up" I giggled, throwing a pillow that I forgot to pack at him, "We literally did it last night, like 5 times."
"Ugh fine. But that was like hours ago" Shawn laughed, picking the pillow up of the floor and throwing it back at me.

Once we had completely cleared the living room, there was only the TV and the base of the sofa left but they were too heavy for me to lift while I was pregnant so we left them until Ethan and Grayson arrived. We then went into the kitchen and began to wrap up all the plates and bowls and put them in a box. After that we packed up the mugs, cutlery, pans, other utensils, trays and fruit bowls. Ethan and Grayson arrived and helped Shawn move the TV and the sofa into the cars. Emma and Lauren also came in their own cars and we went upstairs and starred to pack up India's room. We had a few boxes of clothes that fit her and we filled two boxes of clothes that didn't fit her but we were going to keep for the new babies. We took the boxes of clothes downstairs and then we grabbed more empty boxes and went back upstairs. Lauren packed up all of India's books, Emma packed her toys and I began to pack all of the body and hand towels from the cupboard into another box. When we were all done, we took the boxes downstairs. We then went back upstairs and packed all of my things. I decided to just pack all my clothes as I didn't have time to sort through them and get rid of the ones I don't wear and instead I would do it when I was unpacking them in the new house. We then packed up all of the toiletries and makeup before then packing up all of Shawn's things too. Once we had finished, the only thing left in the room was the bed frame. 

A few hours later... 
Once we had finished packing, we started to take boxes up to the new house. Between us we had 5 big cars which fitted around 30 boxes in total along with one rental van which fitted 40. We had nearly 100 boxes so we started loading them into the cars and van. In my car, we put the clothes boxes. We had 9 in total and we managed to fit them all in and had enough room to fit in one of the boxes of towels. Once my car was packed, I put the new house key on my car keys and I headed off to the new house while everyone else carried on packing the cars. As I put the gate in in at the end of the drive, I looked behind me and saw Emma in her range rover following me. We drove to the house and we both began to unpack the boxes when Lauren, Ethan and Grayson all pulled up, with Shawn following behind them in the rental van. We unloaded the boxes and put them into the main hall before locking up. Everyone got into their own cars and we all drove to the rental place, where Shawn gave the van back and then got in with me. We then drove to our old house and got Shawn's car. 
We then drove to Ethan and Lauren's and Ethan, Lauren, Emma and Grayson all left their cars and Emma and Lauren got into my car while my brothers got in with Shawn. I then drove me, Lauren and Emma to the new house while the boys went to get food. 
When we got to the new house, we started sorting the boxes into piles. 

When the boys got back, we ate the food and spent the rest of the evening unpacking the boxes. Everyone moved furniture and I set up the office and then sat in there looking for nursery furniture on IKEA. I found a nice crib, some nice pastel shaded paint for the walls, some cabinets and changing areas as well as a big storage unit. I ordered all the furniture to be collected tomorrow. Once everything was unpacked, I grabbed a bag and I packed an outfit for me and Shawn as we were staying at Grayson and Emma's tonight because we didn't have a bed. We all left and Ethan and Lauren went home while the rest of us went to Emma and Graysons.

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