Chapter Twenty

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Me and Shawn were talking when Ethan, Grayson, Cameron and Mom ran in.
"Hey where's dad?" I said
"He's parking the car" Ethan said
"How are you?" Grayson said and placed his hand on my arm
"I am okay actually, a little bit nervous but I think that I'm ready to do this."
"How are your contractions?" Mom asked
"They are quite painful. I think its because I am like 4 centimeters dialated." I said
"I always thought I was gonna be first to have a child!" Cam said "But since it's you, then I am happy for you" She joked
"What does that mean?" Grayson asked
"It means that I am her favorite and she likes me best." I said and stuck my tongue out at my brothers.

1 Hour Later
I had a really painful contraction and gripped Ethan's hand
"Ow Ow Ow!" Ethan said
"What are you yelling about?" I said to Ethan after breathing deeply
"You cut the blood circulation off in my wrist!" He said
"Do I look like I care? There is a baby trying to get out of me. Your hand can wait." I said
"Oh shots fired!" Grayson Lauged
"Wow, Thanks Ky!" Ethan joked "Good Luck Shawn!" 
"Thanks!" Shawn laughed
The doctor walked in and said that it was time to start pushing. Everyone left except for Shawn and the doctor and two more doctors, a nurse and a midwife all came in. Once they had put my legs into the right position, they told me to start pushing. I grabbed Shawn's hand and squeezed it as I pushed.

Around an hour had gone by of me just pushing and all I could really remember was Shawn and the doctors encouraging me to push. I heard the doctor say to me "Okay we can see the head, we need one big last push and she is out." I looked up at Shawn who smiled at me and said "Come on baby, you can do this." He gently held my hand again and I pushed. 

I saw the doctor reach and a few seconds of silence went by before we heard a loud cry. I looked at Shawn who saw her and he was crying. The doctor placed her in my arms and I began to hold her as they wiped her off and cleaned me up. 

"We did it Shawn!" I said crying
"I know we did baby!" He said as he began to gently cry. "I cant believe it, I'm a dad!" 
"Me either! We are parents! How crazy is that?" I smiled and looked down at my beautiful daughter who I was feeding.
"Time of birth is 5:58 am and date is the 2nd of December." The midwife said to us. "Do you have a name for her?"
"Yeah we do" I said, looking up from my daughter to the midwife. 
"Perfect. I need her first name and middle name if you have one and I'm presuming the last name is Mendes?" 
"Yeah her name is Alicia Mae Mendes." Shawn said 

Shawn walked over to the midwife to sort out the name paperwork and I looked down at Alicia and smiled. "Hello angel! I am your mommy! I promise that I will care for you and love you forever and I will always support you, no matter what you grow up to be or do. I love you!" I kissed her forehead. She stopped drinking so I gently gave her to Shawn who was sat back down next to me. 
"Hi princess, I am your daddy! Me and Mommy love you so much and I promise that I will protect you from all the nasty people in the world." She gently wrapped her hand around Shawn's thumb and he smiled. He talked to her for a while and then the nurse took her into the corner of the room to get weighed. 

I grabbed my phone and text the group chat with Me, Ethan and Grayson in
Kylie // Hey! Come into the room whenever your ready, we have a little surprise for you. x

Within 20 seconds of sending the text, there was a knock at the door. "Come In!" I laughed as my brothers and Aaliyah  ran through the door. The nurse gave her back to me and then left the room. 

"Hey guys! We want you all to meet someone!" Shawn smiled and I held Alicia
"What's her name?" Aaliyah asked
"This is Alicia Mae Mendes." I said
"That's  a cool name!" Ethan smiled and I laughed
"Who wants to hold her?" I asked and everyone shouted.
"Okay Okay!" I said "Uh Gray? Wanna hold Alicia?" 
"Sure!" He smiled and sat down in the chair and Shawn took her from me to Gray.

I looked at my brother holding his niece and smiled. Shawn held my hand and gently kissed my head.  Life couldn't be better.

Hi guys, i re-read last chapter and Alicia came up as Alessia?! idk how that happened but i can't be bothered to change it lol! Enjoy x

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