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One Week Later...

I played with my fingers nervously as the door creaked open and Shawn appeared in front of me. He looked dishevelled. There were bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days. I didn't know what to think. I had played this scenario over and over in my head a million times, knowing it could go either one of two ways. I can forgive him and move on from it or cut him out of my life completely. Our relationship will be hard to walk away from, especially after everything we've been through. I love him with everything I have but I can't shake the image of him with her out of my mind and it's constantly tearing through my heart like a knife. The thought of anyone but me with him made me feel sick to my stomach, it was like a punch in the gut. I thought he was happy, happy with me, happy with our family. I didn't think he would feel any kind of need to run back to her. Am I not enough for him? 

"Kylie, I-" Shawn stuttered, hovering by the door like a wasp. 
"Daddy" Elle yelled and stumbled over to Shawn, closely followed by Mollie and Maddie. I noticed India lingered behind, looking at Shawn through the doll house before reluctantly standing up. I expected her to go to Shawn but instead, she walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around my leg and I picked her up, holding her close to me. 
"Hi girls!" Shawn fake smiled at the triplets. They are only one, they wouldn't understand what was going on. "My god, it's 7 already, it's your bedtime" 

I watched as Shawn dropped his keys on the floor before picking up the triplets and running them upstairs. I put India on the floor and she looked up at me. 
"Mommy, I'm scared." She whimpered, rubbing her eyes. I crouched down to her level so we were face to face. 
"Oh honey, don't be scared. There's nothing to be scared of okay?" I soothed, rubbing her back gently. 
"Oh, okay mommy. I don't want daddy to hit me" She sniffed, burring her face into my neck.
"Princess, daddy won't hit you. I promise. Now you are early 5, you need to be a brave girl okay?" I smiled at her, gently tickling her stomach. 
"Hey missy, don't you need to go to bed?" Shawn asked, standing at the bottom of the stairs. 
"Yes you do honey, you have preschool tomorrow." I sighed, hugging her again before holding her hand and walking with her to Shawn. 
"Do you want a fairy lift?" Shawn asked and India's face lit up. A bright smile plastered her cheeks and she nodded eagerly. Shawn picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her up the stairs. 
"Good night princess" I yelled and blew her a kiss. 
"Good night mommy" She giggled and attempted to blow me a kiss. 

I grabbed my empty coffee cup and took it to the kitchen, washing it out. As I was drying it up, I heard a creak in the doorway. 
"Hey" Shawn's voice whispered. 
I placed the cup back on the rack and turned around, "Hey" I replied before turning back around to wipe the sink.

I heard him approach me before feeling his arms slip around my waist. He turned me around and pulled me close, our lips crashing together. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away for air.
"I'm mad at you Shawn" I sighed, looking in his brown eyes. "I'm sick of not being able to trust you. I swear to god I will dump your ass so hard if this happens again"
"There will be no next time." He replied, "I'm sorry about what happened, I really am. I-I never meant to hurt you, at all. You know that I love you more than anything in this entire world. I couldn't stand the fact that I had hurt you and cheated again, especially when you trusted me. Look baby, I want you to forgive me. I mean you don't have to and I understand if you want to call off the wedding or break up or-"
"Babe, you made a really dick move. And it's gonna take me a while to fully trust you again, especially after last time. But I love you to much to even think of letting you go. This past week has been hell for me and the girls. We all wanted you back so badly. I love you so much, and I still want to spend the rest of my life with you. However, I don't want you to have contact with her okay?"
"Okay." He sniffed, and hugged me. "I'm sorry."
"I'm still mad though" I pouted, scrunching my nose at him. 
"Oh yeah?" He muttered, tightening his grip on my waist. 
"Yeah I'm not happy" I stated, tracing his abs through his t-shirt with my long nails. 
"Well then, looks like I'm going to have to make you happy then" He smirked, attacking my neck with his lips. I ran my hand through his brown curls and eared a groan of satisfaction from Shawn, "Come on, let's take this upstairs" .

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