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"Babe, you okay?" Shawn asked me. I looked down and saw water running down my leg.
"Shit" I said "My water's broken."
"Holy fuck" He replied.  I began to have painful contractions and he passed me his hand to hold. 
"I'm ringing Grayson" I muttered as I began to ring him. I asked him to get my maternity bag from the wardrobe in the new house and told him to meet us at the hospital. Then I phoned Aaliyah and asked her if she could bring India to the hospital so she could be with Shawn.
"Babe, take deep breaths!" Shawn said "We're pulling up to the hospital right now"
He stopped outside of the A&E department and ran inside. Seconds later, two doctors, a nurse pushing a wheelchair and Shawn all came running out.
"Here!" Shawn said helping me out of the car. "Sit in the wheelchair"
I sat down and the nurse started to take me to the maternity ward. Shawn got back into the car and parked it in the closest space before running back into me. 

One hour later..
I lay on the bed, clutching my stomach. Shawn was anxiously pacing the room.
"It's really happening." I whispered and Shawn stopped and came over to me.
"I know, I can't believe it!" He said and sat down in the chair next to me. 

The doctor walked into the room.
"Hello, unfortunately I have some bad news." She said and me and Shawn looked at each other.
"Are the baby's okay?" I asked
"At the minute, yes." She replied and I relaxed. "However they are extremely close together and there is a 63% chance that at least one of them won't make it if you have a natural birth." I looked over at Shawn and saw he was panicking. 
"Is there any way to lower that chance?" I asked, tears brimming at my eyes.
"Yes, there is a way that they can all be born and there is a 100% chance that they will all be born safely. This can only happen if you have a C-Section." She said. "I will leave you two to decide and just press that button when you're ready" She smiled and walked out.
"What are you gonna do?" Shawn asked "You said that you never wanted a c-section."
"Yeah but I don't want my fears to cause our babies to die Shawn, I'm gonna have a C-Section." I said nervously. "I have to put these kids before myself, I'm their mom."
"It's okay. Don't panic! I will be in there with you." Shawn said and he pressed the button. 

The doctor came back in and we told her our decision. She left to go get Shawn some of the surgical clothes to wear for hygiene and safety when there was a knock at the door. Shawn opened it and Grayson, Ethan, Cameron and Aaliyah were stood there with India. They came in and Shawn explained what was happening. India lay next to me on the bed and blabbed about something, slowly putting a few small sentences together. The doctor came in and gave the things to Shawn. He put them on over his clothes and then they got ready to take me to theatre. Aaliyah picked up India and I looked at Shawn and smiled. 
"Holy Shit." I said "This is happening."  Around four surgeons entered the room ans they began to take me to the theatre. Shawn walked next to me and held onto my hand. 

When we entered the theatre, Shawn sat on a chair that was near my shoulders. I watched as they sterilised my stomach and then numbed it. The surgeon placed his hand on it and I couldn't feel anything. Then they pulled the sheet over across my chest so that I couldn't see them do the operation. I looked around me and saw three baby teams. I felt Shawn place one hand on my head and the other held my hand. 
"You ready?" He asked and smiled
"Not really but I mean let's do this" I replied and he kissed my forehead. 
"Baby number one is on the way" The doctor said and I looked up at Shawn. 
Suddenly we heard this cry and I saw Shawn tearing up. 
"Baby Girl number one is here. 6:43 pm" The doctor said and I saw the nurse carry her towards the table and began to wipe her off. 
I wiped my tears away and smiled at Shawn.
"Baby number two is here" The doctor said as a loud cry echoed in the room. "It's a girl. 2:46 pm"
I felt Shawn run his fingers through my hair as he kissed my forehead again.
"One more" He whispered int my ear.
A third cry began to fill the room and I looked up at Shawn, "They are all here" 
"Baby number three is here," The doctor said "Baby Girl number three, time is 2:48 pm"
"Baby girl?" I asked
"Where's the boy?" Shawn asked the doctor
"It seems like you have three girls" He said and smiled at us. 
"Holy Shit Shawn" I cried "Three girls" 
"Three girls" He smiled at me. 
"Do you want to see them" The nurse smiled. We said yes and she pulled their incubators over to us. 
"They are so tiny" I cried.
"Yeah they are but they are perfect." Shawn said and kissed my forehead. 
"Luckily they are all the exact weight limitation to leave so you can leave with them tomorrow! Do you have names?" She smiled.
They sat me up in the bed as they had finished closing my stomach. 
"Who's who?" I asked Shawn and we looked down at the three girls. 
"Uh this one looks like our Mollie Grace" He said pointing at one of the babies. 
"Okay. So baby two is Mollie Grace, beautiful name" The nurse smiled.
"Shall this one be Elle Sophia and that one be Maddison Bailey" I said
"Perfect to me." Shawn smiled. 
"Alright then so baby one is Elle Sophia, baby two is Mollie Grace and baby three is Maddison Bailey?" The nurse asked
"Happy?" I asked Shawn and smiled at him
"Happy," He said and the nurse took the babies into the corner of the room. 
"Right," The doctor began "That was a very quick delivery and a successful birth. You have three beautiful baby girls and I wish you the best. Now were going to take you back up to your room and you can have your skin on skin contact and feed them." 

We thanked him and I was moved back onto my bed before me and the girls were wheeled up to my room. When we got in, the doctors and nurses left me and Shawn and I text Grayson to come in as they had all left. Ten seconds later there was a loud knock at the door and Grayson came in, bringing himself, Ethan, Cameron, Aaliyah, India and both of our parents. 
"Hi guys" Shawn said as they all walked into the room. He then passed me Elle and I began to feed her. 
"So that is Elle Sophia Mendes" He said pointing at the baby I was feeding, "She was born first."
"This is Mollie Grace," He continued, picking her up out of her incubator and holding her. " And finally, this is Maddison Bailey." He said and picked her up too. I looked over at him, holding two of our three new children and smiled. 

"India, look what I have" I said as Aaliyah brought India to me. 
"Sister!" She blabbed and kissed Elle on her head. 
"Congrats Kylie!" Aaliyah smiled at me. 
"Thanks Aaliyah." I smiled back at her. "Do you want to hold her?" 
I passed Elle to Aaliyah and picked India up and sat her next to me.
"Hi princess" I smiled and kissed her. "Look over there!" I smiled "See, Auntie CamCam is holding one sister and Uncle Gray is holding the other sister." 

After around 20 minutes, everyone left to let me and Shawn bond with the babies. I had finished feeding both Mollie and Maddison and we finally had the time to have our first skin on skin contact. Shawn took his top off and lay on the bed next to me. I placed Mollie on my chest and he had Elle and Maddison. 
"Can you believe this?" He said as Maddison began to snuggle into him. 
"I know." We have three baby girls." I said and smiled "How are we going to tell them apart?" 
"Easy, Maddison has a small freckle on her chin, like Grayson. Mollie has the lightest hair and Elle has dark hair." He said and placed his hands on Elle and Maddie's backs. 
"Our family is perfect." I smiled. "You're amazing, Alicia is the most bright and bubbly child ever and we have three gorgeous baby girls." 
"And we have you. The queen of the family who is so beautiful and stunning." He said kissing my head. 
"I love you Kylie." He smiled. 
"I love you too Shawn." I said and kissed him.

The Next Day, we went home. Alicia was there with Grayson, Ethan, Emma, Lauren and James. 
"Hi guys." I smiled and walked in, carrying the bag and Mollie's carrier. I placed the bag on the steps and then placed Mollie's carrier on the table. I got her out and held her close to my chest. "This is Mollie Grace Mendes" I smiled at my friends and then at Mollie.
"Can I hold her?" James asked me. 
"Of course, I mean you are her Manty James." I smiled 
"Manty?" James asked as I gave him Mollie.
"Man Auntie. Dumbass your their Manty." I said and Shawn walked through the door holding Elle and Maddison. 
Lauren and Emma held Elle and Maddison and I saw Grayson look at Emma and smile. Shawn started to play with Alicia and I walked over to watch them. When everyone had left, me and Shawn carried the babies upstairs and Alicia followed us. We placed the babies on our bed and took some photos of them. We then got some photos of them with Alicia. I chose my favourite one of just the triplets and posted it onto Instagram. 

@KylieDolan: Surprise! So happy to announce that me and @shawnmendes have had triplets! We decided to not tell the media because I found out while Shawn was on tour and I didn't want him to find out through the internet! First born is Elle Sophia ...

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@KylieDolan: Surprise! So happy to announce that me and @shawnmendes have had triplets! We decided to not tell the media because I found out while Shawn was on tour and I didn't want him to find out through the internet! First born is Elle Sophia Mendes who is in the middle with the red flower. Second born is Mollie Grace Mendes, who is on the left with the white flower and finally the last born is Maddison Bailey Mendes who has the pink flower. Mollie and Maddison are identical!! It has been such a journey for us but our family feels complete. I am now a mom to four beautiful girls, Alicia, Elle, Mollie and Maddie and I have the best fiancee ever,  @shawnmendes . I am such a lucky person and I am sorry for keeping this a secret! xx

I locked my phone and looked on the bed to see Shawn, Alicia and the triplets all lay there. Shawn and Alicia were looking at the babies, who were asleep. I smiled at my perfect family.

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